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Did they fix Shapeshifter?

EndranceEndrance Member Posts: 17
Looking for something new, and I was curious if any changes (fixes) to the shapeshifter were implemented. Thanks again.


  • EndranceEndrance Member Posts: 17
    Anyone know? : /
  • KietzelKietzel Member Posts: 40
    IIRC they left it untouched
  • frossfross Member Posts: 12
    Ya defo needs fix otherwise class is useless can only knock out opponents and not doing proper claw damage
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    No changes AFAIK, I haven't played the class myself
  • GishGish Member Posts: 74
    This is a class that would be awesome if the upgrade to greater werewolf actually seemed like an upgrade.
  • EndranceEndrance Member Posts: 17
    lol, atleast its enhanced!
  • frossfross Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2012
    fross said:

    Ya defo needs fix otherwise class is useless can only knock out opponents and not doing proper claw damage

    "Don't poke Drizzt, tis entirely unsociable!"

  • KankKank Member Posts: 38
    Anyone know if the claws can still be dispelled? That was my only real problem with the kit in BGII. The kit is far from worthless. At the very least you can use Werewolf form to kill trash. I'd say the Shapeshifter is still tons better than the normal druid.
  • chickenhedchickenhed Member Posts: 208
    @Kank I would assume you can since they did not touch the rest of the kit. but to be honest I'm not sure.
  • BorsookBorsook Member Posts: 152
    Can anyone confirm this? They didn't really correct one of the most glaring bugs in the game???
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