The Dorn "Ambush Area"

I used to be able to save a game immediately after the ambush where you kill Senjak and his stooges, and where Dorn joins you. Seems you can no longer save or sleep there. Is this an update and by design, since its a non-map "ambush area"? I always used to like saving right after he joined so was just curious of the change.
Yeah I pulled up the old save and you could. Ah well maybe it was a special NEVER AGAIN save.
While we're on the subject of the Dorn ambush, did you (or anyone else) know that it can take place in areas other than that canyon area on the journey to the Nashkel mines? I sort of assumed it had to take place on the way to the Nashkel mines, so I always spoke to Dorn at the Friendly Arm, and only when looking at the game's scripts did I realise that it will happen in other ambush areas after Chapter 2 finishes! It's kind of ironic that I was restricting my gameplay on the assumption that the Dorn ambush wan't very flexibly-designed, only to find that the design is pefectly fine...
This may even by why @Balrog99 doesn't remember being able to save in that location - perhaps they usually recruit Dorn after Chapter 2.