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UI Scaling

Apologies if this has been covered already - I wasn't able to locate anything with a few quick forum searches.

It seems in one of the more recent updates, UI scaling has gone from 1 or 2 to 1-1.5. I have a player who has eyesight difficulties; a UI scale of 2 was pretty necessary for him to be able to play.

Does anyone know if it is possible to force the UI scale higher with an INI file edit or override file? I would appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction!

Thanks in advance.


  • Ɲ????Ʀ????Ɲ????Ʀ???? Member Posts: 29
    I believe you can toggle this restriction off in game in the options menu under one of the advanced menus maybe under ui? Someone correct me if wrong. :)
  • ChaszmyrChaszmyr Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2021
    That did it - thank you so much!

    For anyone else searching for this answer:

    Game Options -> UI -> click Advanced underneath Accessibility (near the top of the menu) -> turn on "Ui Unconstrain Scale" -> click Save

    Resolution and UI Scaling -> adjust anywhere between 1.0 and 4.0
  • R0GUER0GUE Member Posts: 27
    Does anyone know: is it possible to edit the .ini file or something so that it switches UI scaling between the main game and the loading screens?

    I ask because the PW I play in has their own custom loading screens that only fit right when the UI resolution is set to 1. But I have a giant 2K monitor and 1 is much to small for actual gameplay.

    I love the new decimal scaling, just was wondering if there was a way to say toggle between 1 and 1.5 in game.
  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
    R0GUE wrote: »
    Does anyone know: is it possible to edit the .ini file or something so that it switches UI scaling between the main game and the loading screens?

    I ask because the PW I play in has their own custom loading screens that only fit right when the UI resolution is set to 1. But I have a giant 2K monitor and 1 is much to small for actual gameplay.

    I love the new decimal scaling, just was wondering if there was a way to say toggle between 1 and 1.5 in game.

    The loading screens are a fixed pixel size. It isn't that they are "1x UI Scale" loading screens, even though they might be for you.

    As an example, the original loading screens are 800x600. If you play on a 4k monitor at 1x, they take up the middle 800 x 600 pixels. Increasing your UI scale to 2x will then make them take up the middle 1600 x 1200 of your 3840 x 2160 monitor. The loading screens do not care what the NWN window resolution is, unlike the changes that allow the main menu splash to always fit (inside) or the movies that always fit (outside), despite resolutions and UI scale.

    There isn't going to be a condition for UI scale to change during certain events, momentarily, and I think it would probably come off pretty ugly even if it did, especially considering the loading screen fades away revealing the area you've loaded into, there's no place to put the change that wouldn't be a jarring shift.

    What you want is a different size loading screen than the ones the server is using. The server is in a hard place there, since they want a size that will work for everyone, which is impossible. Bioware's loading screens "worked" for mostly everyone because (until UI upscaling) there was almost no way to have a lower resolution than 800x600, especially not while still having a playable game without overlapping game elements.

    The single .mdl file used for all loading screens specifies the size of the quads used for the loading screen textures and elements. To deviate away from the server's compromise one-size-fits-most version, you could edit it to a size of your liking. Since it sounds like you like the 1x size and 1.5x the dimensions in that .mdl is too big for you, I would edit the dimensions of the image in your custom override to be 2/3rds (or whatever else you might prefer now that you have this freedom) of the size the server is using. Then you can play in 1.5x and have 1x like loading screens.

    You will need to put the override in the development folder to prevent it from being overwritten by the server's NWsync version, and it will then of course affect all of your NWN gameplay in any module, single player or multiplayer.

    The best approach that I've considered for this problem would be to move the game's loading screen from fixed pixel to screen proportion sizes, like the main menu splash and the full screen movies. However, this is a big change, a lot of work and testing, could ruin all of the existing custom load screens (probably best as an option), and will undoubtedly still result in people who don't want it to fit perfectly, either because they don't want black bars even if they lose parts of the image, or do want black bars so they lose none of the image, etc. However, with such a system, custom loadscreens could be made at some high resolution, which would allow anyone with smaller resolutions to get a cleanly downsampled version of the highest quality version appropriate for their scale and resolution.
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    Is there a way to reduce resolution? 1080p on my phone eats battery. 720p would be nice.
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