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Creation of final save and character export does not work in IWD

wavingbugwavingbug Member Posts: 59

I mentioned it in this thread too and both issues are closely related so I will link it:

Make continuing the expansion easier after completing the base game

When you beat the final boss of the base game a final save is created and all your characters are being automatically exported. This worked for me only once. I deleted the exported characters and the final save. Then I started my last save and beat the boss again a few times but the final save and character export never were created again.

This is making continuing Heart of Winter with the same party very tedious. It should work just like it does in BG2. There you can just import the final save into ToB and continue with that same party. All items are preserved too.
Contrary to IWD where you lose all your containers like Bottomless Bag on export/import (please see the thread I linked).

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