Sorcerer Kit Idea: Ichorblood

Preface: I have no desire to learn another modding language. Papyrus was enough for me, thank you.
I love sorcerers, but the limit on dual-classing them has always irked me. It's arbitrary and makes little logical sense; it's impossible to learn something at the same time as developing an inborn talent? Artists are not limited to one form of art (Archimedes, Michaelangelo, Tesla, Prince) even if they have a natural talent. Indeed, talent in one art form often translates well to another. Why can't a sorcerer decide to dual class into mage, capitalizing on his inborn ability for magic? A sorcerer who can cast spells without memorizing well as having a spellbook to memorize more of the arcane- blasphemous!
Which leads me to my current idea. A sorcerer who uses his ability to enhance his martial skill. As in an enchanter who enchants their body and weapons or, more explicably, Arcane Archer.
This sorcerer does not use offensive spells (goodbye fireball) but may use a limited set of defensive/enabling spells. Instead, their offensive capabilities are translated into spawning a magical weapon of their chosen type as well as allowing to become Grandmaster in its usage. They can also master dual wielding if they so wish. As a matter of course, they may also master any mage-natural weapons (dagger/quarterstaff/sling/dart).
What does the mob think of this?
I love sorcerers, but the limit on dual-classing them has always irked me. It's arbitrary and makes little logical sense; it's impossible to learn something at the same time as developing an inborn talent? Artists are not limited to one form of art (Archimedes, Michaelangelo, Tesla, Prince) even if they have a natural talent. Indeed, talent in one art form often translates well to another. Why can't a sorcerer decide to dual class into mage, capitalizing on his inborn ability for magic? A sorcerer who can cast spells without memorizing well as having a spellbook to memorize more of the arcane- blasphemous!
Which leads me to my current idea. A sorcerer who uses his ability to enhance his martial skill. As in an enchanter who enchants their body and weapons or, more explicably, Arcane Archer.
This sorcerer does not use offensive spells (goodbye fireball) but may use a limited set of defensive/enabling spells. Instead, their offensive capabilities are translated into spawning a magical weapon of their chosen type as well as allowing to become Grandmaster in its usage. They can also master dual wielding if they so wish. As a matter of course, they may also master any mage-natural weapons (dagger/quarterstaff/sling/dart).
What does the mob think of this?
Also, with proficiency gained at every 6 levels, you can only ever get grandmastery in a weapon at level which point normal sorcerers dominate the game play with spamming dragon breaths, and horrid wiltings. While fighters get smites and whirlwind attacks. Our sorcerer can put out some decent melee damage with the right buff spells, especially improved haste, but will not be spectacular in it, methinks.
Perhaps a more apt weapon spawn with a higher hit ratio would be in order to counteract waiting until L24. Extra attacks are a good idea, but I feel a few spells that spawn magical arrows would be in order; increasing as you level and taking on offensive spell-forms that are lacking in our hero. Sleep arrows, Melf's arrows (because that's hilarious), fireball, Otiluke's, breach, flesh to stone, finger of death, Bigby's, comet could be choices. I think that would be sufficient to make him spectacular without overpowering him.