New builder seeking the light
Hello! I'm pretty new with the toolset and i was wondering how do you add more categories to the "painter" on the right side. The main reason for this request is because i would like to create new categories for my custom equip and call those with names i can understand like: custom weapons X, custom weapons Y. I'm sure you know what i'm talking about!
Thanks for reading
Thanks for reading

Short answer: The categories are hard coded.
Maybe you can add some by modifying a 2da file, but I don't know what one that would be and I don't know that the toolset even checks 2da files for such things.
I did this in my Dark Energy module, for example.
GFF files may seem daunting at first, but for dedicated modders they're worth understanding because NWN holds all the components of a module in GFF format.
It pays to fix the categories in advance. If you plan to use CEP, use the CEP custom palette .itp as your starting point. It is possible to add more categories later, but it can be a pain. Once you've assigned templates to categories, re-categorising them all is tedious (even with power tools like moneo).
For smaller modules I find it simpler to use the built-in custom special 1-5 categories and the CEP Module Specific category.