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Where do you recruit Neera?

I'm trying to play through with all 3 new npcs and have had no trouble finding the other two. I'm roughly level 3 now and kind of want neera before I progress any further. Where do you recruit her?


  • ArakinArakin Member Posts: 16
    She is at the north-east part of Beregost. I might as well tell you about the other two as well. Rassad is in Nashkel and Dorn is chilling in Friendly Arm Inn.
  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    Arakin said:

    She is at the north-east part of Beregost. I might as well tell you about the other two as well. Rassad is in Nashkel and Dorn is chilling in Friendly Arm Inn.

    But can you recruit Dorn at the Freindly Arm Inn? He just told me to get lost.

  • jameskerjamesker Member Posts: 99
    You can meet dorn at the friendly arm inn, but he isn't recruitable at that point, head south to Nashkel Mines and you will get a random encounter with him and some cool dialogue :) I assume its always on the route to Nashkel, if not its just a random encounter that pops up during the course of the game.
  • GishGish Member Posts: 74
    I think she recruits you instead. In beregost
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