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Is a Prestige Class Only Playthrough Possible?

Pretty simple question, really. Apologies if this has been answered before. I couldn't find it. I could experiment myself, but I'd rather not waste an hour if I can help it.

Basically, if you use an editor (Like Leto, which is what I have), would you be able to make a level 1 character that only has levels in a prestige class?

For example, if I made a lawful dwarven character with Dodge and Toughness, then edited their fighter level to be a Dwarven Defender level, would the game allow that to occur? Would I have to change a level 7 character (for the BAB requirement) into a level 7 DD for it to work? Or would the game just refuse to run?

Thanks for any answers or insights you have to share.


  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    with sufficient 2da editing you should be able to do this without leto.

    I think you could probably find someone who has already done this, try checking the nwvault.
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