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Exalted Deeds Playthrough

Now hopefully I am doing this rights as this is my first post, and I have only played through the trilogy once so don't expect anything super technical, but I wanted to try my hand at a challenge, and I wanted to establish the rules of the challenge before actually creating characters and starting. So here goes.

In D&D 3.5 there is a supplement called Book of Exalted Deeds, which among other things, has a series of feats related to the one I post below here:

You have willingly given yourself to the service of a good deity
or cause, denying yourself an ordinary life to better serve your
highest ideals.
Benefit: You gain a +2 perfection bonus on Diplomacy
Special: This feat serves as the prerequisite for several other
feats, including the Vow of Abstinence, Vow of Chastity, Vow of
Nonviolence, Vow of Obedience, Vow of Peace, Vow of Poverty,
and Vow of Purity. (Copy pasted from my pdf of the tome)

And a whole series of various vows that restrict the behavior of characters who take the feat, or otherwise irrevocably lose the benefits forever. The most important of which in this challenge is this one:

You have taken a sacred vow to forswear material possessions.
Prerequisites: Sacred Vow.
Benefit: You gain bonuses to your Armor Class, ability scores,
and saving throws, as well as bonus exalted feats, all depending on
your character level. See Voluntary Poverty in Chapter 2 for details.
Special: To fulfill your vow, you must not own or use any
material possessions, with the following exceptions: You may
carry and use ordinary (neither magic nor masterwork) simple
weapons, usually just a quarterstaff that serves as a walking
stick. You may wear simple clothes (usually just a homespun
robe, possibly also including a hat and sandals) with no magical
properties. You may carry enough food to sustain you for one
day in a simple (nonmagic) sack or bag. You may carry and use a
spell component pouch. You may not use any magic item of any
sort, though you can benefit from magic items used on your
behalf—you can drink a potion of cure serious wounds a friend
gives you, receive a spell cast from a wand, scroll, or staff, or ride
on your companion’s ebony fly. You may not, however, “borrow” a
cloak of resistance or any other magic item from a companion for
even a single round, nor may you yourself cast a spell from a
scroll, wand, or staff.
If you break your vow, you immediately and irrevocably lose
the benefit of this feat. You may not take another feat to replace it.

It should be noted that vow in the Book of Exalted Deeds are quite European centric, and I will be making attempts to adapt to various cultures depending on the characters I create ( haven't decided that yet)
All the characters will have at least these two restrictions and more depending on the rules I establish for the playthrough in the following post, as this one is a bit long, but I wanted to show where I am coming from.


  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2021
    Alright onto the specifics:

    1. Make 5 characters for your initial party, one of which is obviously the bhaalspawn. The specifics of how they know each other or why they are together are for the individual to decide. All of them have sworn a solemn vow of poverty related to whatever religion, philosophy or way of life that they follow, further behavior restrictions should be added, but not contradict the vow of poverty.

    2. You cannot buy any product or service that costs more than 1 gp, and cannot buy any armor. You can rest at an Inn as long as its only 1 gp. or buy a drink as long as its only 1 gp. However you may impose further restrictions on characters related to drinking. What you do with the remaining funds you acquire is up to you. Obviously you cannot use weapons or items worth more than 1 gp either barring circumstances.

    3. You cannot use magic items, with the exception of a potion given to you by someone, and you may only carry three such potions. Any items you manage to be given or acquired must be donated elsewhere or left with those who might need them (i.e. sell and donate funds, or drop items in various houses you roleplay giving to people. scrolls are not an exception). The exceptions are for such items entrusted to your keeping or required for the story. Even then you must not actually use the item unless there are dire or extenuating circumstances. Cursed and Intelligent items are handled on a roleplaying or vow based basis. Sanctified items are allowed if roleplay appropriate (an item not considered 'magical' but still possess other features of sacred quality). An example of a Sanctified item might be Bala'x Axe where as the Mace of Disruption in Shadows of Amn is not a sanctified weapon but rather a magical one.

    4. You cannot steal from people or even monsters, although picking up fallen loot is possible depending on other restrictions you place upon your characters behavior. In the situation in which acquiring an item without the express permission of the owner is required, further promises or debates on what is the best course of action should occur. Roleplay it out, so to speak.

    5. All characters must be good aligned, however you can recruit a sixth party member which can be of any alignment. Even evil characters deserve a chance at redemption after all. This sixth party member is under no such restrictions as vows. However.

    6. While there are just your original 5 characters in the party, you possess a large amount of spiritual strength and may play on the easy difficulty. However should you have a sixth party member who would not take said vow, then you must bump up the difficulty to normal. If the sixth party member takes sacred vows, then they are restricted just as the rest of your party.

    7. Should one of your characters die, and no one in the party has a means of reviving them, then a temple may be used for only that purpose, and only as that temple being related to the one of the characters religions. The paid service here would count as a donation, roleplay wise.

    8. In character creation, you are not allowed to reroll your starting stats, although you may adjust them. Your only requirement is to have 14 charisma to represent the +2 reaction bonus on all created characters. Only if this is not possible (don't know how), can you reroll.

    9. For each attribute that starts at 15 or above, you must take an additional vow, in which behaviors and taboos are for you to research and determine. Feel free to have fun with this, like a vow of chastity or a vow of Obedience. Of course each additional vow also comes with a benefit as well which may require some outside software depending on what it is.

    10, Each character must be of a different race, and a different class (different kits of the same class count as the same class and are not allowed). So no doing 5 sorcerers or 5 monks or 5 half orcs. no reload restrictions.

    Alright, I think that covers it. Hopefully I won't have to edit my post. And now on to actually creating my characters.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2021

    As a child, Vikram's earliest memories were those of books, shelves and the movements of monks throughout the citadel of Candlekeep.

    Although an elf, due to the dominance of a human community, Vikram matured at human speed. And although his childhood was filled with mischievous antics, upon reaching adulthood he quickly matured and could be counted on to be responsible and dignified.

    However, it is around this time that he learned that his mother, although certainly an elf, was also the progeny of dragons. Candlekeep is guarded by many unseen forces, and the most powerful among them, is dragon. These dragons eventually sensed the presence of one who carried their blood and began communicating with him.

    Like the humans, the dragons were monks and ascetics, and like elves of the Seldarine, believed in reincarnation, in which the soul goes through a large number of lifetimes, forever trapped in a cycle of karmic debt and duty. And so, these dragon practiced detachment and moderation, never having any treasure hoards and only fulfilling their duties to the citadel. Vikram was eventually initiated into their Yogic practices, and just a few weeks prior to when he would leave Candlekeep for the first, he took his vows of poverty, purity, and chastity, becoming a Sadhu and forgoing all material possession. And being given the name Mehi, which he could only share with those of similar spiritual maturity.

    As Gorion's ward, he had a fondness for the old man, enjoying the simple tasks required of him and listening to the many tales he might tell. It was primarily Gorion's influence that gave Vikram his more humanistic qualities and mature outlook much earlier than most elves can achieve in 20 years. Although his sheltered life in Candlekeep still means he possess' the child like naivete known among young elves.

    Gorion has never told Vikram of his own parents, although he has gleaned some information about his Mother Alianna, an elf from the high forest, and that she is now dead, and he mourns her greatly in private. But beyond these events, Vikram knows little else, and know nothing of his father.

    As you can see, he possess two stats 15 and above, and therefore has taken two additional vows which restrict his behavior further. Also this version of poverty to only to use what his birth has provided him and nothing more, a very extreme dragon based asceticism.

    No romance, can't carry items other than to pass them along (or required by the games plot), can eat and drink (including a potion given to him by an ally) as well as receive the benefits of spells. Must remain naked at all times ( a Sadhu tradition) and may only "clothe" themselves in magic, and indeed must do so, before enacting any other kinds of magic. No weapons, no looting, no touching of dead bodies (so no touch spells). No evil spells or direct mind manipulating spells against others. Breaking these taboos unintentionally will require atonement and purification at a temple.

    Now, onto the benefits. When he gets his bhaalspawn powers, he can never be corrupted by them since they are a natural part of him. and also a 20 % resistance to acid, cold, electricty and physical damage.

    I will detail the remaining characters in subsequent posts.

    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023

    Thizeada Greeneyes was born to be a Wizard slayer, due to the signs and omens from her tribe that accompanied her birth. Her parents, it is said, were quite besides themselves, but were always honored hereafter among the gold dwarf clans of the great rift.

    The gold dwarves are a matriarchal society from the shining south, as referred to by the majority of those folk who live among the sword coast. And as such Thizeada, as a born Wizard Slayer was to take up the mantle of leadership among her clan.

    Tragedy struck, as it inevitably did in those times, and her clan was scattered by a secret attack by Ithillids, some taken, other escaped and sought refuge in other clans, but to this day, no one knows why such an isolated attack occurred among the great rift against only one clan and none of the others. Thizeada was one who got captured.

    The suffering she endured among the Mindflayers, as common folk would say, not only broke her spirit, but changed her from her optimistic filled days, to one where survival was the only thing that mattered, until someone came. Not the gith, or a group of adventurers looking for treasure, but a hermit who was taken to wandering the subterranean world, happened upon the Ithillids and their enslaving operations, and by shear force of spiritual will, banished them beyond the material world.

    None of her captured clan remained at that point, fully becoming Ithillids themselves, and being banished along with everyone else. It is perhaps only due to her Wizard Slayer abilities that she withstood the attempts of the Mindflayers as long as she did.

    The hermit, who was actually a Qalandar, would never reveal his name, but Thizeada could tell it wasn't magic that the qalandar wielded, but some inner strength beyond the necessity of magical skill. Thizeada pleaded with him to be trained in what he could do, but he informed her that she was too corrupted by miasma, as he called it, to achieve the path of purity. But due to her insistence, he did tell her that she could go a different path, a path of sin-eating. Taking on the impurities of the world, so that others would be spared the destruction of their souls.

    Thizeada would travel a long time with the Qalander, as he inevitably performed subtle deeds, while teaching her to "consume" the impurites, curses, evil magics, and bad luck in the world, and when her time with him was done, she made solemn vows of poverty, abstinence, and consumption .

    She traveled the sword coast for a time, and chanced to have a cursed book she recently "consumed" but did not want to leave for innocents to find, and so came to the library of Candlekeep to allow them to safely keep it interred. It is there that she met Vikram and learned of his own strange heritage and journey towards purity. It did not occur to her, that she would inevitably help in on his quest for resolution.

    With two stats at 15 or above, the additional vows of abstinence and consumption.

    She must always try to wear items to check if they are cursed, and if they are, she must wear them for a time until she has "consumed" their ill natures. Wearing a cursed item means that she has taken all risks of blowback herself while keeping everyone else from doing the same. Her vow of consumption requires her to interact with the world as she has no means of buying cursed item due to her vow of poverty and must enlist the aid of allies and cohorts. A wizard slayer views an intelligent weapon not as a magic item, but as a living creature, and no price can be placed on them. Anyone selling an intelligent magic item might as well be selling a slave. The vow of consumption requires her to use intelligent items, until their souls are free of corruption and they are able to move one. Also no drinking alcohol of any kind, and cannot drink any potions even if given.

    In game terms, she must find a way to acquire as many cursed items as possible, either to wear if she can, or carry if she cannot up until she find the next cursed item that fills the same slot, and then she starts consuming the corruption of that item.

    As for her benefits, mostly its that she can use intelligent items as if they were sanctified items due to the stance that wizard slayers have on seeing them as living things, and no good aligned being puts a price tag on living creatures. In addition, her AC is improved by -2.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023

    There have been a great many empires in Fearun in the past, and one such Empire was Narfell, a Theocracy that worshipped Demon Lords and their ilk, but ultimately fell against the might of Rauthamer, their rival empire to the south filled with the battle magics of sorcery and more eldritch machinations.

    Today, Narfell, Thesk, Rashemi and Thay, which are the current countries of Northeast Faerun are all that remain. And although Narfell maintains its name, it has very little else, having returned to a pastoral and nomadic lifestyle among its various tribes and clans therein. Most of them have long lost all connections to demons and their kind. Priests of the demon lords have long been ousted, and Shamans have replaced them.

    Yuka, is one such shaman, currently on her vision quest to find and bring back a particular item as a token and proof of her passing of the trial, a token known as the circlet of lost souls. and she must do this by her own means and with the aid of people that she may meet, but she must otherwise be self sufficient and survive the trials ahead.

    As to her past, it is largely a peaceful one, for there are no intrigues in large cities, or dramas of political acumen. Narfell is a cold place, with various ruins, with such dangerous traps, that few, if any adventurers survive the trip. Ventures gain nothing, and Fearunian politics sees little of value in these lands today, and so its boring, and yet also peaceful, filled with those who prefer the simple lives far from the shadows of their past as demon worshipping theocrats.

    But although life seems more mundane compared to the intrigues of the sword coast, it is filled with plenty of fascinating interactions, spirits and ancestors roam the wilds, and shaman intercede on behalf of the people to communicate with them. Festivals and dances, rituals and song fill the lives of the inhabitants of Narfell. But shamans cannot become complacent in this peaceful existence, and so they must attend to a vision quest and swear solemn vows in order to pass their trials.

    And so Yuka arrives in a land she is unfamiliar with, attempting to track down a relic and return home with it.

    Yuka has three stats that are 15 and above, and therefore has three additional vows.
    The vow of selflessness, the vow of companionship, and the vow of ancestors.

    As a vision quest, she must find companions to aid her, and will soon meet Vikram and his party and aid him in his quest as well. However, she must also be self sufficient and make all the things she ever uses. She cannot receive targeted aid in the form of single target spells, and also cannot be given potions or other single use items in exchange. With the exception of the relic of her vision quest, she cannot use any other sanctified items of any kind and must make do what the world is able to give her. She must rely on her ancestors and spirits regularly in order to avoid taking on the weight of killing living creatures directly, although in the case of demons and other unnatural phenomenon, no such limitation is placed on her.

    Benefits are that she gains and additional attack per round. +1 APR.
    She can craft items that are naturally made such as bows and arrows, hide armor, and other natural items that may exceed the gp limit without disrupting vows of poverty, and of course she can give them to those who aid her without disrupting their vows of poverty (though they may have other vows that prevent them from using them).
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16

    Bhagava, which means Exalted one, is not a name; not like the ones the parents give to their children, but a title given freely to some lamas of great reverence or power. Such is the case with Bhagava, a title he earned when he assisted monk fleeing the Shou Lung in order to avoid a purge or religious thought ordered by the emperor. Ever since, he has wandered the lands of Tabot in the east in assist many a refugee who wandered in from that region.

    But even though his intentions were good, the theocracy of Tabot that was born from the persecution was just as hierarchical and just as a oppressive as the one it had left. High Lamas exerting influence over various serfs and slaves in order to live luxurious lifestyles normally befit for merchant princes.

    He eventually could not withstand the disgusting irony, and vowed upon his very title to change things, but it was not to last. In his first act of freeing slaves and serves in the City of Pokarr, he was put on a bounty by the Crystalline Defenders. He made many attempts to appeal to various lamas and monks, but soon learned that many of them were Charlatans and very willing to betray their vows in order to earn more money. And so he left, unwilling to prop up a new society that seemed no better than it was when part of the Shou Lung.

    He traveled on the Golden Road as a Refugee, blending in amongst those escaping the Tuigan Horde, and eventually found himself on the sword coast, vowing to free anyone enslaved to another as he travelled the world.

    His additional vows are the vow of secrecy and vow of righteousness, to never abandon his goals of helping sentient beings.

    So that means he can never tell his secrets to others or explain his means and methods or abilities. He must always perform the right ethical actions according to himself, and must not harm any sentient creatures with using the concept of "compassionate violence" wherefore the cost of not using violence is greater than using violence. Sentience here, means humanoid creatures, and not most monsters.

    Benefits are that he possess a large pool of additional abilities from the kits of the other monk types. 1 of each.
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16

    S'thembiso is a Tashalite from the peninsula of Chult, an isolated region far to the south of the sword coast, even more so than Calimshan. Its a place that tends to spark strange imaginings in the minds of people of the western heartlands and the sword coast. Bejeweled cities, exotic plants and spices, jungles of terrible beauty and even more terrible danger.

    S'thembiso would tell you though, that like any other land, the people here are just trying to get by with day to day living and such ostentatious tales and romanticized folklore does little to actual aid and help the people of Tashalar. S'thembiso used to be a member of a merchant family who sold jewelry for incredible profits and had a successful business, and still do to this day. But he felt wrong, somehow, and yet didn't know why. And so he tried to find his calling since it was obvious to him that it wasn't here.

    His chance encounter on the streets with a desperate thief changed his perspective drastically. The laws here did not care at all for the thief, only for himself, and his merchant family connections. It was showmanship and hubris that allowed the thief to be executed for breaking the law, and for him to receive compensation for the inconvenience. And it was also in that moment, that he knew that he was powerless before the system.

    Over the next several years, he made many attempts to change things, but his connections gave him no leverage to change the status quo, for all there depended on such things for their survival. They depend on the oligarchy, rules, laws and system to avoid becoming vulnerable to the whims of fate, chance, and chaos. If he tried to change things for the better, he would only be seen as a maverick and deviant. So in the end, he left to find more about what to do about the intractability of the status quo of society.

    While still a young man, he eventually came upon another group of thieves in Calimshan, but this time, no connections or laws could save him out on the roads. Fortunately a group of helmites were nearby and managed to protect him from the danger. The events that followed allowed him to learn about Helm in great detail and why he is always vigilant and always watching, protector of all those who need it. And, as it turns out, Helm was the answer that he sought, for if he wanted to make a difference, he would have to be that difference.

    Helm, of course, is a great god of many sects and orders, and over the course of his education and training, S'thembiso elected to become a Watcher of the Fallen, and to avoid being compromised by money or favors, took vows of poverty, and defending the innocent, and of truth. Always willing to aid those in need at only the cost of himself.

    As per his stats, S'thembiso has two additional vows, that of benevolence and truth.
    He must never lie to anyone and speak but the truth as a helmite, and he must always help those in need while exercising good judgement to avoid becoming the target of intrigue and betrayal. Aid never comes with a price and he must always be willing to uphold the tenets of Helm, and to protect the innocent and virtuous.

    As for his benefits, he gains +4 bonus to his Wisdom and Charisma.
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    When talking about Gorion's ward, the ascetic Vikram, it is important to note the humble beginnings in which he was raised. A sheltered existence among monks whose main concern was the knowledge of the Realm, Vikram often displayed a quiet contemplation but rigorous judgement on matters that pertained to his vows and his goals. Something that only those who have traveled with him distinctly understand. Perhaps it was this inner divine fortune that allowed him to pass through his first trial.

    -Collected Anecdotes, by the Awakened Bear Wilson

    Vikram was told to purchase what he needed for a journey, but given his vows and connections to the Dragon guardians of Candlekeep, he saw no need to actually buy anything. Although he nevertheless spoke with Winthrop and Firebead Elvenhair.

    Per Firebead Elvenhair's request, Vikram attented to the inner grounds, met Tethtoril to return the scroll, who instructed him to hurry and speak with Gorion as soon as possible.

    Upon finishing the errand, he chanced upon a childhood friend, Imoen. The conversation was short, however, as Vikram sensed that Gorion was waiting for him.

    Gorion, with all haste wondered at his ward's lack of equipment, to which Vikram responded that he had no need for such items and would rely only on his birthright. With little time to argue, Gorion decided to press forward with his initial plan.

    But alas, it was an ambush, and one that cost Gorion his life. Vikram knew little of what to do, but he did run when ordered to, and spent the night alone, with only his powers to protect him.

    The next morning, Imoen came, and told him of much that occured and that searching his body might be helpful. However, Vikram had made a vow of purity to never do so, and told Imoen that to do so would be a disservice to Gorion, Imoen did not press the point and followed him to his destination of the Friendly Arm Inn.

    Notes: Did not search Gorion's body, did not break any vows, switched Difficulty to normal on Imoen joining the party.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    The gold dwarf Thizeada, like most of her kind, was suprisingly pragmatic about the state of the world, whereas most of my other traveling companions hesitated to touch any dead bodies for fear of corruption of their spiritual purity, Thizeada often was the one to take care of the dirty work, for as I had learned after traveling with them for some time, she was a sin eater, able to consume the malevolence of others and contain it. It was her own way of protecting the world.

    -Traveling with Mortals, by the Awakened Bear Wilson

    Shorty after departing Vikram meets his first traveler on the roads, a hermit, or perhaps a pilgrim named Kolssed, who confirmed the directions for Vikram.

    The next encounter would prove even more fortuitous, as an acquaintance of Vikram's named Thizeada who often came to Candlekeep bearing strange cursed books in need of finding protection and assistance in dispelling their curses. Virkam relayed the sad news. Thizeada decided to provide assistance, mostly as she knew that Vikram's vow of purity would prevent him from touching the dead knowingly, and she also knew their were plenty of enemies to be had outside the austere walls of Candlekeep.

    A strange pair of a halfling and human block their path north. They don't really initiate conversation, so Thizeada decides to approach them for the safety of the others. Over the course of the conversation, it becomes clear to Thizeada that having anything to do with them is a bad idea, and she lets this opinion known. The two leave after being rebuffed.

    A messenger, fleeing from a wolf, makes a quick escape, and talking so fast that he was barely understood by Vikram and the others. Thizeada was injured, but in keeping with her vows, refused the potion that Imoen had provided.

    The group continued following the road to connect to the coast way, eventually running into a strange robed old man. Vikram took the time to ask for directions just to confirm where he was going. Perhaps it was intuition, or luck but the old man seemed privy to Vikram's predicament, though that seemed impossible. Shorty afterwards, they decided to camp out for the night, as the Inn still seemed distant.

    They arrived on the Coastway, and also ran into a hunter Aoln, who asked Vikram and the others to be more quiet in the woods or they might attract danger, a warning from experience.

    At long last they arrived at the Inn, but Vikram's armor spells were running out of time, so he refreshed them before speaking with the gate guard, who ironically enough, informed him to be civil at all times while at the Friendly Arm. Vikram was quite grateful of renewing the spells that clothed him.

    Exhausted from the long trek in the wilderness, the party was eager to get indoors, but were accosted by a traveling magician. He appeared to be looking for Vikram, and although Thizeada tried to intervene, Vikram answered him honestly and truthfully, to which the magician abruptly started casting spells. Thizeada charged in, and Imoen pulled out a pilfered wand from Candlekeep and started shooting it, but the mage proved resilient despite the wizard slayer in his face and managed to cast a horror spell causing all of them to run in a confused manner. When they finally recovered, they learned from the guards, that they ended up cornering and killing the mage. Imoen also was in pain due to a magical attack searing her that she did not remember, in fact her ankle was completely broken and she could barely walk as it is. A bounty notice is also discovered on the mage.

    Seeing as a temple of garl glittergold, the great protector, was nearby, the three went inside to catch their breath. Thizeada and Vikram, also wished to cleanse themselves from being affected by such wicked magics. A proper donation was conducted as per the proper rites, and the cleansing bowls were prepared by Gellana, the priest of Garl. Imoen rested her ankles a bit, but they were definitely broken, and she was hopping everywhere in excruciating pain.

    With their purification ritual complete, they help Imoen up the stairs into the Inn proper, and take the closest table.

    Imoen would need to stay, Vikram thought, the injury might take weeks to heal, and she would be a danger to herself and everyone while on the road with that kind of handicap. Imoen herself didn't like it, but due to her pains, couldn't argue especially since she could not stand much less fight. It seemed ignoble, but she would have to retire for a time. They would work out something with Bentley or something.

    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    The bear trap was cleverly placed, and perhaps had I not been awakened by my fellow companion Yuka, I might have died as a result. The pain, fortunately, was brief and quickly healed thanks to the powers of nature channeled through my dear friend Yuka. She had done this kind of healing countless times, but it was in that moment I realized just how many stories would have been cut short had I not met her when I did.

    -A shaman's companion, by the Awakened Bear Wilson.

    Yuka, not used to sleeping within stone walls, woke up later than she should have.

    Getting ready to go downstairs, she meets Landrin who eerily comments about the security that stone walls provide. However, her residence in Beregost has a spider infestation, and Yuka takes it upon herself to assist her.

    Yuka was further accosted by a dwarf named Unshey, who hailed her and requested her assistance in returning a magical belt stolen from her by an ogre.

    Perhaps it was the place, or just the disturbances of those who lost their possession, but she felt the pull of spirits as she made it into the common room of the Friendly Arm. She could feel the presence of spiritual sparks glowing much brighter than she was ever able to find in these parts of the Sword Coast. And at the same time, she overheard their conversation, one of their number had been seriously injured during an attack recently and she couldn't walk. Yuka decided to offer direct assistance at that point.

    Vikram felt the presence of spirits and knew that she too had taken solemn vows, although in very different contexts, but Yuka asked nothing in return for her healing. Not to mention the fact that life was a priceless aspect of existence and the commodification of it was something either Yuka or Vikram agreed with. Yuka took Imoen upstairs to heal her wounds, although she could not restore the broken bones.

    Arrangements were made with the Innkeeper Bentley to have her stay until she gets back up on her feet. Yuka mentions that due to the nature of traveling, she might have to take it easy for at least 3 months, with at least one month completely off her legs.

    Seeing as the atmosphere here was very different from the Candlekeep Inn, and being the first time visiting a place like this, Vikram decides to look around the common room, bumping into a relatively defiled half-orc who seemed to possess a dark entity within him.

    In the midst of the commotion, a half elf from Calimshan, wearing the appopriate paraphernalia of that southern nation, approaches Vikram with an inquiry.

    Vikram is greeting by his self proclaimed foster parents, and also mention that they are on a mission to travel to Nashkel regarding an incidence in the mines there. Vikram readily agrees but wants to take in the sights of the world and prefers to travel with his present companions. Jaheira and Khalid agree to travel ahead and meet them there.

    And so with Imoen out of the fight, and Yuka requesting to join them to aid in their struggles, the party sets off for Nashkel. Yuka also mentions Unshey and Landrin who need some assistance.

    After a days travel, they begin to feel the malevolent presence of the ogre and prepare to confront it, in peace but violence may be involved.

    It was a fierce fight, one in which the ogre would not even deign to give them any chance for conversation. Thizeada survives but with plenty of injuries though nothing as major as what Imoen suffered. Thizeada grabs the belts and knows them to be magic. Thizeada tells Yuka about her sin eating capabilities but agrees that they should return the belts, since Wizard Slayers cannot check or wear the precise properties of the belt.

    Yuka heals up Thizeada from the ordeal, especially since it was because she needed to help Unshey. Fortunately they returned to the Friendly Arm safely and returned the belts, although she only took one of them and provided a copy of her book, the History of Tethyr. Vikram and the others promptly donated the reward proceeding to the temple of garl glittergold before moving on with their journey.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    I don't know how humans are able to sleep in such close proximity to each other or to share territory that is so close together. I would think it would be difficult to exercise or be free of the turmoil of their lives. Thizeada once said to me that many kinds of creatures prefer to be in close proximity, and people are are just one kind of them.

    -Musings and thoughts, by the Awakened Bear Wilson

    And so the travelers make their way down the tradeway, passing by the coastway sign as they head for the town of Beregost.

    As they continue, they meet a messenger along the way, mentioning in a rather hasty fashion that he must get to Beregost as quickly as possible, mentioning Kelddath by name. Thizeada shakes her head at the prospect of more fighting, as if there wasn't enough of that already.

    After that messenger, another strange encounter with a boy just to the side of the road. Vikram tried to talk to him about where he comes from, but the boy remained suspicious and called them liars,

    After a few more hours of travel, Vikram and the others finally arrive in the town of beregost and look basically like a bunch of toddlers who don't know right from left, so much so, that a citizen helpfully walks and and provides directions. Mentioning various inns and the Thunderhammer smithy.

    The town bustles with various common tongues in the air such as Chondathan and Waterdhavian. People are going about their various lives without too much care to the point where the messenger from before seems rather unusual. Vikram, and many others who take various vows don't generally concern themselves with political matters, and don't expect others to share their values either.

    The town crier, on the other hand, makes sure everyone knows about an evil cleric within the vicinity, and bounty on his head.

    However, among the bustle, a rather suave looking gentleman approaches Vikram and his party asking for assistance from them as mercenaries for his mistress. Vikram refuses as they are in no need of money, nor do they make it their business to work as mercenaries. Garrick, as he introduced himself as, made some further inquiries, but Thizeada and Yuka also refused.

    Another woman along the same pathway looks very anxious in the shadow of the Inn, and Yuka convinces the group that she might need help. But when they approach her, she brushes them off claiming to be waiting for a different party.

    The party finally arrive at the Thunderhammer smithy, which given the nature of a coming war, they thought it might be really busy, but there were very few people inside, and they didn't seem to have much in the way of equipment available. Vikram recalls that there could be an incident with the mines far to the south. Hopefully Khalid and Jahiera will be able to explain it to them later.

    As the group continued to walk around town to see the sights, Vikram remembered that Firebead elvenhair lived in and decided to bring the others along to meet him. Firebead elvenhair was surpised but also glad to see Vikram and they took some time to catch up. Once Firebead learned of Gorion's death, he expressed his sympathies and showed concern for Vikram's current situation. Firebead then mentioned a book he needed to get his hands on, but he had been about all day and was exhausted, so he asked Vikram to pick it up for him. Vikram reminded Firebead of his vow, so Firebead sent for a messenger to pay for the book on ahead.

    The messenger returned, and mentioned to pick the book up at the Feldepost's Inn. and So the party crossed the street to get the book. But upon entering were accosted by a regular patron named Marl regarding his son. The three of the them were rather puzzled over being accused of causing his son to die, considering it was their first time in such a bustling town, for all three of them. Fortunately through some kind words from another patron named Dunkin, Marl managed to calm down and not cause further trouble.

    Picking up the book, the two return to Firebead's residence and hand him the book, and in return he shows them another book after having prepared some refreshments for them. The book mentions the dead three which are Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul. It explains how they became the divine beings they are today, and also what happened with Jergal. As stories go it certainly captures the imagination and Vikram has certainly read many such books back at Candlekeep. But how true it is remains unknown.

    Sadly, as the night grows late, Vikram and the other bid farewell and make their way to the Red Sheaf Inn, as was recommended for modest accommodations by the helpful townsfolk. None are very used to sleeping in an Inn, but considering the dangers of bandits along the roads, it is prudent to rest in safety. Or so they thought before they were accosted by another Assassin, mentioning that Vikram was at the end of his rope, before attacking.

    The group fight for their lives, and end victorious in the end, but when Thizeada finds a bounty notice for Vikram, the situation becomes all to clear, someone is after Vikram's life and is getting all manner of people to try and collect, just for money. They talk through the night on what to do, with Thizeada and Yuka wanting to do something about the issue, but Vikram is not sure and explains that sticking to Inns for now might be the best idea until they can learn more on who is after him. And so even with issues unresolved, they rested there. In the meanwhile Yuka attempts to strike up a conversation with a halfling nearby, but he brushes her off since he seems only interested in hiring someone to find his sword.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    It is a strange thing, what people hold dear and how much simple things can mean to them. I remember Vikram mentioning about a woman who had lost her ring at the Friendly Arm Inn. The others would mention it was about "sentimental value" but this concept seems to be lost on me.

    -Collected Anecdotes, by the Awakened Bear Wilson

    The next morning, they decide to try and resolve the matter with Landrin's spider infested home. So they locate it and begin the process of cleaning it out. Somewhat unexpectedly, the spiders were rather poisonous and needed much time to clean out, but Thizeada proved capable of withstanding their poisonous bites and the spiders were removed in short order.

    Collecting the spider body, bottle and old boots, the travelers returned to Landrin to give her back her belongings and so she can move back in. The money is given to charity as usual

    As the three of them are leaving the Friendly Arm, Yuka mentions that she thinks she hears a womans cry in a nearby house. As they enter they meet Joia who was angry about Hobgoblins stealing her ring, which she wanted back. Now Vikram tried to tell her that such things did not mean much compared to her life, but she would have none of it, and insisted that since they took the time to listen, that they should help. Vikram ultimately agreed, and so the three went out to find the Hobgoblins.

    Yuka principally employed her spiritual summons to aid her and they seemed sufficient to handle the Hobgoblins and most importantly just knock them out or get them to flee, which some of them did. Eventually one had the ring which Thizeada retrieved.

    Having returned the ring, Joia is very grateful but her disregard for circumstances rubs Yuka the wrong way a bit. But since it was only for a simple ring, the three decided to leave things there and be on their way.

    Back in Beregost, they paid a visit to the Temple of Lathander and Kelddath, who was the mayor of the town. Oddly though, he had sirines singing and guarding him rather than the typical paladins and clerics these temples often have. There also wasn't any place for cleansing, and the vestibule was always being cleaned. So Vikram and the others had no choice but to press on for Nashkel.

    Heading south, they soon ran across a boy in the Wilderness, but it did not amount to much despite Vikram's inquiry about the boy's parents. However, an Ogrillon or Half-Ogre soon came upon the party and they had to defend themselves. When the half-ogre was dispatched, a letter could be found as well as the body of a nearby halfling. The case was obvious at this point, and Yuka gave proper release for the dead soul of the halfling before moving back to try and deliver the letter.

    Now finding the Mirianne was the hard part back in Beregost, The group accidentaly stumbled upon the the Colquetle House, but at least the butler was polite. Eventually they found her and provided the letter. Mirianne gifted a ring in exchange, which VIkram was about to refuse until Thizeada brought up that it was potentially magical and rather dangerous in her hands, that it might be better that we take it and donate elsewhere if it is indeed safe, maybe even return it once it's magical nature is discovered and identified. Thizeada, being the sin eater that she was, it was her duty to keep magic and curses in check around the Realms.

    As the trio continue south toward Nashkel, they run across a patrol of flaming fist mercenaries, from Baldur's Gate. They accuse the group of being bandits, but with a little diplomacy, Vikram and the others were able to explain that they didn't really have any equipment or means to steal from others easily, and eventually the mercenaries let them go.

    Nearing Nashkel, they ran across a tragedy. Hobgoblins had attacked a family in broad daylight and the group was too late to save them. Yuka again provided her spiritual guidance for their souls, but then Thizeada, who searched the remains found an amulet inscribed with the name Colquetle. It would appear they will need to return to pay a visit post haste.

    Already delayed, but desperate to return, they make it back to Beregost to inform Colquetle family. At first he head of the family doesn't believe them, but eventually he breaks down and asks for the return of the locket, which the party very much obliges even though they otherwise brought tragic news. Not taking much time to rest, the group hurry their way back south toward Nashkel.

    Along the road, the group gets accosted by another traveling noble. Lord Foreshadow, who speaks of nights in the city of Neverwinter and how he enjoys it there better than Waterdeep.

    And at last, they arrive in Nashkel to meet up with Khalid and Jahiera regarding the matter with the iron crises.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    It was a rather quiet night in the wilds of Amn when Vikram recounted his thoughts to me on his first visit to Amn when he had only recently started out on his journey. In some ways, he regrets leaving Jaheira and Khalid to arrive separately considering that he would never see them again until well past that point. But the tides of chance and fortune are not always in your favor, and sometimes sticking together can make things better overall.

    -Traveling with Mortals, by the Awakened Bear Wilson

    The journey south has not been without its detours, but Vikram and his group have finally arrived. Although despite their relief, Vikram had more on his mind.

    As the group crossed the bridge to enter Nashkel, a Soldier of Amn came upon them and began asking why they were here. Vikram did not want to compromise his friends, so merely insisted they wished to help. It was then that the soldier broke with all the problems that were happening there.

    Shortly after they found the Inn and decided to take a short rest. A woman stopped them and said she was looking for someone, but the group were exhausted and decided to delay till morning.

    Unfortunately another bounty hunter had other ideas, and assaulted Vikram in the common room of the Inn, and as before she also carried a bounty notice. The price for his head was noticeably rising.

    Despite the bounty hunter, the party was exhausted enough from the journey to sleep and meditate well enough, and by the morning they were refreshed. Yuka in particular praised the innkeepers rustic style Inn for reminding her of home. Vikram wanted to urgently speak to the mayor and find Jahiera and Khalid, so they headed out the door... and then quickly found themselves facing a spat between a traveling monk and a townsfolk. The monk Rasaad sensed the spiritual power of the group and wished to converse more after the trouble abated, buy the group needed to hurry and couldn't address him then.

    They finally met the mayor regarding the Iron issues in the region, and that something was going on in the mines, Vikram did inquire about Khalid and Jahiera, but the mayor mentioned that he saw no sign of them here in Nashkel. This was a worrying development.

    Thizeada spied a temple nearby and mentioned that she needed some cleansing from all the dead bodies she has had to touch in service to her duty, and so they entered. Nalin was the resident Priest and mentioned that Captain Brage, which they heard from the soldier earlier, was also a member of the congregation and that they had sent a Priest out to determine what has happened. Fortunately there were cleansing bowls within for them to purify themselves.

    A bounty businessman mistook Vikram for being Greywolf, probably on account of his hair, but VIkram mentioned that he was not a bounty hunter.

    Yuka, who is from a region of the Unapproachable East recognizes the face paint on a particular man standing outside the Garrison. As they approach, Minsc introduces himself, being the large man as he is, with a romantic flair, but his concern for the Wychlaran that was his charge, named Dynaheir. The group does agree to his pleading but also mention they need to deal with other issues in the town as well.

    On a bridge on the southern end of town, a Red Wizard almost asks a similar question regarding Dynaheir, but in his case it was naked murder, no one, especially Yuka who was familiar with their questionable ways accepted his offer and he walked off.

    The group began to discuss what they should do from hear, Jahiera and Khalid had not yet arrived and Vikram didn't want to go to the mines without them. On the other hand a Wychlaran was in trouble with a Gnoll fortress to the west, as per Minsc, and they could do something about that now. So in stead of waiting around they decided to head off for the Gnoll Fortress, although Minsc mentioned there was a nearby menace as well, a group of Xvarts that was causing problems for Nashkel and he wanted to do something about that, and being the traditional adventurer that he is, he needed it to buy better equipment.
    Vikram and the others let Minsc know that they don't spend or need any money, but Minsc seemed insistent that at least HE wants to be prepared. All the while a rather strange Noober was constantly trying to get their attention but was unsuccessful.

    There was some trepidation, although none had made vows of nonviolence, it seemed unusual that xvarts would cause such trouble, but when Minsc arrived and charged in, the Xvarts responded with just as much reckless abandon. Even a bear or two

    Minsc's presence weakened the spiritual powers of the other companions and due to the injuries and stress from the battles, they rested in a nearby cave. Perhaps it was Minsc, or the slaughter of a village, but that night Vikram had a strange dream of Gorion.

    Vikram so far didn't mention it to the others, but Minsc was eager to get to the Nashkel store and buy the equipment he throught he needed for the battles ahead.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    Yuka mentioned to me that Bhagava could easily sit quietly just about anywhere. whether there be a fierce thunderstorm, or the screaming of haunting spirits. Nothing could disturb his peaceful state of mind. But Bhagava could easily become very active and push through great adversity too, which he demonstrated time and again through our journey.

    -A shaman's companion, by the Awakened Bear Wilson

    Finished with his preparations, Minsc set off with Vikram and the others to rescue his Wychlaran charge, Dynaheir. As they were nearing where they had encountered the Xvarts yesterday, they instead met a traveling monk.

    The monk politely introduced themselves and asked to be called Bhagava, and wished to speak to Minsc. Bhagava wanted to know why Minsc lead an assault upon the Xvart village, to which Minsc said that such creatures were menacing the town of Nashkel, and otherwise are a wicked monster meant to be slain. Before the situation got any more heated, Yuka also mentioned a manipulation of wild life bears. Bhagava accepts the circumstances but still found it tragic that it had to come to this. Minsc then mentions they are going to a gnoll fort in the west to rescue his partner named Dynaheir. Bhagava, perhaps surprisingly agreed.

    Now Vikram was rather puzzled by this unexpected guest and soon found a chance to ask further why he agreed to Minsc so readily. Bhagava explain that he also needed to go to the Gnoll fortress in order to find a monk who had traveled there. Normally he travels alone, but he sensed something in Vikram and the others that concerned him. But Bhagava would explain no further.

    Towards midday they ran across a traveling merchant named Borda who wanted to sell some scrolls, and that is when Vikram mentioned that they had taken vows not to buy luxuries or carry excessive money. Minsc was also not interested, so Borda, rather angrily left. Bhagava was somewhat taken aback that others among the group had taken similar vows to his own, but did not further comment on the matter.

    The next day, they ran across a bandit who had set up an obvious ambush. Thizeada was immediately wary and called the bandits out. This did not perturb he bandits, and that's when a bunch of orcs starting firing at the group. They were dispatched, especially with Bhagava's quick martial arts skills.

    But that was not the end of problems, the bridge nearby was swarming with more extremely aggressive ogres and orcs. Bhagava decided to try and take them on, but worried for the others and so mentioned that he would do this on his own. But before anyone could really react or reject his proposal, he swiftly moved in and seemed to draw upon abilities and powers unknown to the rest of the party.

    Bhagava made short work of the creatures as they continued across the bridge, in which they found a young Paladin named Laurel fighting against some gibberlings. But before they could really commit or discuss their options, a pack of gibberlings really did show up and assault them relentlessly. Minsc commented that monsters seemed so numerous these days and attacked in broad daylight. Bhagava agreed.

    A strange ogre nearby seemed to be already full, so Vikram and the others decided to not bother with it, over the protests of Minsc and his adventurous spirit.

    Over the next several days, they continued traveling toward the gnoll fortress, until finally they arrived within sight of the walls. A bridge led across to the main keep, but was guarded by a pair of Ogrillons that demanded a fee from the travelers, but quickly became aggressive when Vikram explained that they had no money. Fortunately this was dealt with promptly.

    But among the items and other things they had on them was a strange pear of gloves made and designed in a way unlike what is normally found on the sword coast. As Bhagava looked over at Thizeada examining it for problematic elements as she does with all magic items, he realized they were a sign of what he was looking for.

    They were not an ordinary pair of gloves, but rather the kind of bracers that Masters of the Way would wear during their long journeys throughout the lands of Kara-tur.

    Note: The brawling hands is the first relic or sanctified item found in this playthrough.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 811
    All right, it looks like a challenging roleplay. 😎
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    Another behavior observed in humanoid is there tendency to kill each other but leave the bodies on the ground for the scavengers to find wholesale. Now of course I don't eat all of the meat I hunt either, but it seems a bit one sided to me that scavengers get all the meat and the killer doesn't want any.

    -Thoughts and Musings, by the Awakened Bear Wilson


    Bhagava explain that he was looking for a Master of Way who came by this way not too long ago, and that the gloves are a sign that he was nearby, or perhaps he gave them willingly away, he is not sure, but he informs the party that he wishes to search the outskirts of the fortress to see if he can find signs of this Master. The rest agreed, even Minsc, though plenty of Xvarts were available to keep him occupied in his adventure like mind set.

    After a thorough search, they were able to find some caves, where they mostly found more xvarts inside, Bhagava generally avoided confrontation where possible and since the Xvarts didn't chase him outside their caves, the rest didn't pursue either.

    Eventually he spotted a sarcophagus but had to kill a few xvarts who were agressive and wouldn't otherwise let him in.

    After the short fight, Bhagava and the others approached, and found a sarcophagus cracked open from its sealed position, and inside was indeed the Master that Bhagava was seeking. Vikram and the others perhaps expected some tearful reunion or tragic tale, but actual Bhagava began to speak as if this was a blessing, that the Way had been prepared and the Master had reached a new place despite the now dead body. Bhagava kept the glove and took the holy book as is customary when a monk find another who has ascended.

    They rested and meditated in the save that had been the final site of a meditating monk. With none of them being familiar with Bhagava's order ,they didn't question his choice nor concern themselves with the various other items buried there, even Minsc did not loot the Sarcophagus. They went back toward to entrance prepared to find a way to Dynaheir. They ran into the Gnolls, dispatched them, but knew they had a long difficult battle ahead.

    The gnoll fortress wasn't quite as well manned as Vikram had feared, but the group had to fight through several gnolls as they made their way through the Fortress, Minsc was constantly trying to call out to Dynaheir, with more than one enemy alerted to their presence as a result of his booming voice.

    The group spread out to cover their own flanks, until the leader came charging in. Bhavaga proving again his mastery of martial disciplines, was finall able to dispatch the groups with the aid of Minsc and the others.

    Before more reinforcements could arrive, Bhagava scouted ahead, and checked the pits one by one, until he finally found Dynaheir.

    Dynaheir was fortunately none too worse for wear and after a brief conversation, Bhagava invited her to join so they could escape the Fortress together.

    Minsc and Dynaheir finally reunite, and the feelings between them are on display, but not much time is available and they quickly leave the fortress before reinforcements arrive.

    They finally make it to the bridge, and get out and back to Nashkel without any further problems. It takes about 3 days or so to make it back, and although uneventful. There is much to be said about the circumstances. Thizeada speaks to Dynaheir about her people. Bhagava reveals that he cannot read the sacred book of the Master of the Way due to its arcane seal, and Vikram mentions he might be able to help decipher it soon.

    They finally arrive at the Nashkel Inn, Minsc heartily thanks Vikram and his group, along with Bhagava joining. Bhagava wants some assistance with deciphering the holy book so he wants to stay with the group for the time being. Minsc and Dynaheir will be going their separate ways.

    Vikram and the others return to the mayor to see if Khalid and Jahiera have arrived, but Mr. Ghastkill mentions that he has seen no sign of them, nor have the Amnian soldiers in town. It seems something has delayed them. Ghastkill recommends they do to the fairgrounds to see if they got sidetracked there.

    Note: pushed the difficulty back down after Minsc and Dynaheir left. The manual in the fortress I have roleplayed out as a sanctified item, mostly because it will be inconsequential for Bhagava to read it, and it gives him a good reason to stay. Whether or not the other books are sanctified depends on how the story goes, as I am doing some amount of improvising here. Probably at least the wisdom books.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
  • MattychuMattychu Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    It dawns on me sometimes, the amount of weight that Thizeada puts on her own shoulders. She always salvages the goods of fallen enemies but for the purposes of finding magical items, some of which are cursed. She somehow must consume these cursed items to prevent them from causing undo harm on others. It all seems thankless, but perhaps that is the way of it.

    - Traveling with Mortals, by the Awakened Bear Wilson

    A trip to the fairgrounds was in order. Vikram seemed somewhat interested due to his sheltered life, but the others not so much.

    There was certainly a bit of entertainment to be had, and most of it was very much on display for anyone to take a look at. A performer, for example, was reciting poetic verse in a manner that was less scholastic and more vernacular.

    Another mentioned about some carver named Prism who apparently is very fast at their craft.

    In a different corner, a Man who introduced himself as the Great Gazib had a exploding Ogre. Unfortunately this was a little to real for the group so they turned away before witnessing it.

    And if that wasn't enough, a strange noble commented about the unposh appearance of the group, though to no avail.

    However, there was a strange altercation that took place in one of the tents that the party happened upon. A mage was threatening with murder, and they seemed rather addled by something, for they turned their ire towards the party. Fortunately, despite the magician's trick, they managed to take him down and save the young lady mage from the assault, who gifted them a potion afterwards.

    A strange swindler decided to mention a stone statue and sell us a scroll of stone to flesh to cure her. Now the group did not have any money for the bargain and so had to refuse. However, upon inspection, it was indeed determined that she was in fact a petrified young woman.

    They visit the rest of the fair looking for clues of Khalid and Jahiera, and here news of stolen cattle, but otherwise don't hear anything worthwhile. However Thizeada mentions wanting to do something about the petrified woman so they returned to Nashkel afterwards.

    Back at the temple of helm, they asked the priest there about curing a petrified woman. The priest mentioned that they had one, but would require a payment for the service, money which they did not have. However, the priest did offer another option. He wanted us to find Captain Brage and bring him back to the temple to see if he could cure him.

    And so, making minimal preparations due to their vows, the group set off to find him. But ill fortune finds ways, and a group of bandits set up an ambush on the outskirts of town. However, before Vikram could tell them they had no real belongings, a different person shows up.

    The following confusion was, certainly there. Fighting between this newcomer, the group of bandits, and the party was nothing but a fight for survival, but in the end, the bandits were dead, and the party faced their unlooked for assistant.

    The half-orc, Dorn, apparently impressed by the fighting skills of the group, wanted our assistance in tracking down the rest, but the party could sense the malevolent forces that controlled his life, and were in no position to assist him with his vendetta, and so they refused. The response was surprisingly, calm.

    As they continued their journey, fighting through wild polar bears and other creatures of the wild, they eventually found some carnage, followed it and ran across Lyrissa, who asked them to leave as Brage was nearby and that he was possessed of a mad spirit.

    Yuka clarified that she was a healer and might be able to help, and so Brage came out of this hiding and confronted them once Lyrissa stood aside. Brage began to spout and speak under the influence of some dangerous thing. Thizeada recognized the influence, it was not a spirit or typical ghost. It was the cursed item that he wielded to cause all this slaughter. " Death" was the result, and as they confronted him with the truth, the curse weakened enough for his mind to recover. Time was of the essence, so they guided him all the way back to the Temple of Helm with Thizeada and Yuka using their talents to keep the cursed weapons powers at bay.

    They returned to Nashkel, and the Priest of the Temple was overjoyed at his return. Between the Priest, Thizeada, and Yuka. They were able to get the weapon out of his hands and free him of his curse. Brage wanted to give in and be punished, but the Priest convinced him to keep going and that giving in to the curse would not help all the people who's live he had inadvertently ruined.

    Meanwhile, Thizeada had a duty to fulfill. The cursed weapon could cause more harm if not dealt with, so she picked up the sword and took upon herself the powers and curses it bestowed. Fortunately with her training she of course won't attack anyone in any kind of berserk state. but she could not guarantee that if confronted in a fight, that she would be able to hold it off.

    That night, Vikram finally had mastered his ability to disern the properties of magical items and worked about figuring out all the ones Thizeada could not check to see if they were cursed. Fortunately it seemed that none of them were. Furthermore Vikram assisted Bhagava in translating some of the holy text, but said it would take more time to fully understand it.

    After donating the rest of their goods, they finally got the priest to provide the scroll, and prompty used it on the petrified young woman, who introduced themselves as Branwen, a cleric of Tempus. that god of battle. She expressed her graditude and offered to join the group. Unlike the half orc previously, Branwen seemed very reliable and might be helpful for their next task. The group decided they could no longer wait for Khalid and Jahiera and needed to press on investigating the mines. Branwen was happy to join.
    Post edited by Mattychu on
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