How long should I wait for the Rex/Wrecker (Tyrants on the Moonsea) [spoilers maybe]

I finished the quest at the Mond temple in Melvaunt and travelled around the whole map but the Rex still isn't ready. How long should I wait for its creation or is it a bug?
I can see your problem, it happens on a specific path which shouldn't be available once you deliver him the components. I'm sorry about this. Do you happen to have a save before giving him the last component needed? If you do, after delivering it to him, chose the last dialog option (Farewell) and leave the temple then get in again. I'll ask our programmer to verify this and if there is another workaround to this in case you don't have a save.
but i brought all components
We fixed the issue and will be available to all soon.
For a workaround please try the fallowing:
- Make sure you are inside the Purple Temple area.
- Hit ` key and type DebugMode 1 then Enter.
- Hit ` key again and type dm_setmodulevarint nHighArtificerHlessen_PL 3 then Enter.
- Get out of the Temple and in again.
- Talk to the Artificer again to proceed. Once you finish, hit `key and type DebugMode 0.