Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise/Legacy of the Masters?
So I'm at the Bandit Camp in chapter 3 and there's suppose to be a pair of Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise/Legacy of the Masters in the trapped chest in Tazok's Tent but it's not there. Has it been removed in a update or is it a bug?
if they are not there for you, then perhaps you may have a mod that is in the way?
The only mods I have is are from BG1NPC Project. It's mostly restoration of cut content and so that companions go to FAI when I dismiss them. However there is one called "Item Corrections and Restorations", I wonder if that is the one that messes it up.
Edit: And after some checking, turns out it removes it so I just added a new one with the console. Thanks for the help!