I'm playing the game purchased on GOG. Then, used the redeem code to download Original Saga.
After the mines, Chapter 3, heading to Peldvale to recruit VICONIA.
Right after killing the Flaming fist officier, I loot on him the Plate mail + helmet, small shield and sword.
I was quite surprise. VICONIA can wear the PLATE MAIL with absolutely no issue.
On her inventory, the armor look really cool on her. It's not like, some strange skin. And in game, the animation and armor still look as what it should be. Like if it was coded to be this way. I mean, it's not buggy.
I thought she had insufficient strength for that. Plate mail need at least 12, she have 10.
Then, I decided to have a look through the game manual in PDF.
Well, the game doesn't say anything about that. Indeed, according to the manual, there's no reason for her not to be equipped with this armor.
Right clicking on the item, the paperdoll only mention: "Not usable by Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief" / AC:3 / Weight:50
I'm playing version 1.3.5521
No mod.
Someone knows about that ? Armor restriction due to insufficient strength/ weight was made later ?
the game manual in PDF, also doesn't mention anything about 18 strength to Composite longbows.
Since you can reach Peldvale easily even at the beginning of the game, I started twice others parties and rushed to her area. Each time: Same thing.

I'm playing the game purchased on GOG. Then, used the redeem code to download Original Saga.
After the mines, Chapter 3, heading to Peldvale to recruit VICONIA.
Right after killing the Flaming fist officier, I loot on him the Plate mail + helmet, small shield and sword.
I was quite surprise. VICONIA can wear the PLATE MAIL with absolutely no issue.
On her inventory, the armor look really cool on her. It's not like, some strange skin. And in game, the animation and armor still look as what it should be. Like if it was coded to be this way. I mean, it's not buggy.
I thought she had insufficient strength for that. Plate mail need at least 12, she have 10.
Then, I decided to have a look through the game manual in PDF.
Well, the game doesn't say anything about that. Indeed, according to the manual, there's no reason for her not to be equipped with this armor.
Right clicking on the item, the paperdoll only mention: "Not usable by Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief" / AC:3 / Weight:50
I'm playing version 1.3.5521
No mod.
Someone knows about that ? Armor restriction due to insufficient strength/ weight was made later ?
the game manual in PDF, also doesn't mention anything about 18 strength to Composite longbows.
Since you can reach Peldvale easily even at the beginning of the game, I started twice others parties and rushed to her area. Each time: Same thing.
Post edited by ROLLROLLROLL on
Maybe item use limitations based on stats were introduced later.
If it's not a bug, it's certainly very odd and not practical to use.
At STR 10 she would have a weight allowance of 70. With a 50 lb plate, 10 lb mace, small shield with 3 and helmet 2lb, that doesn't leave much room for even a few potions.
Have you tried giving her a medium shield? That requires STR 12 too, at least in EE.
This is funny because, at first, after looting the Flaming fist officier, I equipped her before thinking of the plate mail issue. It's only when I decided to go further on the map that a message said "encumbered".
Then, I looked further on her inventory, and indeed wearing this armor only let her a very few free lbs.
* I was carrying a large shield. So yes, I tried. She can as well.
Edit - It seems Full Plate is beyond her carry weight capacity. Ankheg Armor + Large Shield +1 would be better for her.
I'm not being rude.
But you're off-topic.
In the EE, item strength (and other stat) requirements are checked whenever the character first equips the item and when they level up. I can have the party cleric cast Strength of One occasionally so that Coran can use the +1 composite longbow full-time, for example.
Honestly, it's not a big deal alright ? But, I'm always impressed by how people are sometimes off the track and just don't get it...
In your first message: You were only talking about GAME STRATEGY. In others words, potions, spells...How to use items in a good and proper way. You listed armors and shields suitable for Viconia. To reach her best potential.
*By the way, advices I do not need. I know the game.
I'm talking about GAME MECHANICS.Manual of the game. AD&D. Restrictions due to weight or strength according to the official rules from the original game.
You were talking about:
> "what could be effective"
> "what must be suitable"
What I'm asking for is:
> "what should be"
By "weren't checked", do you mean that this rule was not incorporate ? Or that the game didn't control if the weight / strength was respected ?
Here: I post 4 pictures from the 1998 game manual. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION ANYWHERE that any particular strength is needed for any particular weapons or armors.
Strength is having effect on:
-Hit Adj
-Dam Adj
-Wt Allow
-Bashing %
I specifically said this "She can equip any armor if her strength is temporarily boosted using spells/potions. It won't be unequipped even if it goes back to 10 once the duration of the boost ends"
I am not sure why you felt personally attacked to such an extent by an edit of replacing plate mail for ankheg armor. Anyways, good luck to you.
In BG2, BG1:EE and BG2:EE it's enforced, but item descriptions do mention it. So IMO it's as it should be in all games, since that's your question.
Perhaps they ruled that enforcing that D&D rule would not be good for balance in BG1, and purposefully decided to avoid using them. That decision must have occurred early enough in development since neither the manual nor the game seem to talk about it...