Any way to get the elven chainmail without Dorn?
I have a fighter mage in desperate need of some elven chain mail, but I read it can only be obtained in Dorn's quest... Thing is, being a goody two shoes I rejected him from joining the party the first time (Ajantis and Yeslick would lose their minds if I let him in anyway) and now when I talk to him at the friendly arm inn the only thing he says is "You'll soon see the error in your ways. Begone!"
Did I lock myself out of ever getting the armour or is there some way to reactivate the quest (Preferably without having Dorn in the party for too long...)?
Did I lock myself out of ever getting the armour or is there some way to reactivate the quest (Preferably without having Dorn in the party for too long...)?
now if you are the same alignment as your "main mage" well you can always give them the bracers of AC 6, or you can just cast ghost/spirit armor which will give you better AC than those 2 will give anways ( but still the arch robe will still give you that saving throw bonus and MR )
Ah, what a bother... I frankly didn't want it for stats, I just like how the half elf sprite looks with armour on. I already have the archmage robes and I would take Dorn for a while, but I have Ajantis AND Yeslick in my party, so I don't think I could keep the group together long enough to finish his quest.
You can change archmage robe appearance tl that of a chainmail with Near Infinity .
In my last time through, with a good half-elf FMT and both Ajantis and Yeslick in the long-term party, I did the quest. Since I was short on gold (having gone for the Cloakwood early), the elven chain was useful for a while. Then I got enough money to buy two sets of archmage robes (also Xan) and retired it. The unarmored look isn't as pretty as the elven chain, but it really is better armor in general.
You're not permanently locked out from the quest, but you'd have to lower your reputation to pick up Dorn. He won't join if you're at 19 or 20. The least painful way to lower rep is a one-time deal - the first time you talk to Viconia after saving her, she'll join without checking rep and then lower it by 2. Any subsequent time, she'll only join at 18 or less rep.
If that's not an option ... do crime. Murdering an innocent will tank your rep all the way down to neutral territory, getting caught stealing will drop you by one or two.
there is a woman on the top floor of the 3 kegs inn, she will ask you to wipe someone, agree and come back to her and you have 2 options; take your one time 500 GP or tell her that "this fool had a good idea..." and every time you come back to her every 2 days you can gather 500 GP and you will lose 1 REP point
i believe after 10 days she will hire someone else to take you out, but the guy she hires won't put up much of a fight