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A new Module: The Neverwinter Nights Monster Arena

sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
edited June 2021 in NWN:EE Modules
holy smokes i actually finished this thing, never would i have thought this day would come, but it has

so what is this all about?

well this nifty little module of mine lets you test character builds and allows you to fight progressively harder monsters all the while gaining tiers.

The higher tiers you gain, the stronger the monsters will get and the better stores you will also have available, and there is lots of items to choose from ( and every single weapon finds some love, so you can use any weapon without having to worry about which ones are wastes of time and which ones aren't )

also there is 2 modules in this set; Monster Arena and Final Confrontation ( just unzip the archive file and put both of these modules into your module folder )

so when you start a new game you will want to start in the monster arena and if you get far enough you will make it to the Final Confrontation

in this module you start at level 1 and can grow all the way to level 40

when it comes to play time hours i have no idea because i play these games like a robot so i'm pretty quick when it comes to this sort of stuff

but with that being said, to go through every single battle and to get the best items will probably take you at least 10 - 20 hours i'm guessing

happy hunting
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