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is this a good party? also some Imoen advice please


So the party I have now is: me (cleric), neera (wild mage), rasaad (monk), dorn (blackguard), imoen and kivan (ranger). Is this a good enough party?

About Imoen, what is the best way to use her? Kivan is my main archer, and I was hoping Imoen could be my backstabber, but her strength and hit points are worringly low.

Thanks for advice.


  • MoiraMoira Member Posts: 173
    edited November 2012

    I always give Immy a bow. Doesn't hurt (at all!) two have several members in the party with ranged weapons, your close combatants will appreciate that support a lot. You're going to have interesting times keeping the good and evil members happy, but if Dorn decides to take off to do his own naughty, there are several options to be his replacement in a good party.
  • LilarcorLilarcor Member Posts: 16
    You can certainly beat the game with that party. Best way to use Imoen is to dual-class her to a mage asap, but that depends if you want two mages in your party. Give her a bow and she'll do just fine but I wouldn't risk her with backstab duty.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    Imoen isn't made for Backstabbing. Get to level 3 or 4 to max out find traps and put the rest of your points in Lock Picks. Then dual over to a mage. Use the spell Knock for any lock you can't pick. This way Imoen will regain her thief abilites quickly. If you dual her to mage at lvl 6 or 7 you will spend the majority of the game without her thief abilities.
  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    Is this your first time playing?

    While the part over-all is good, I always preferred to use Imoen as a mage or archer... though I did manage to use her successfully as a stabber. She just had to retreat from time to time to let the enemies refocus on the fighters.

    And like Moira said, it will be a bit of a challenge in keeping everyone happy as Dorn will not be happy if your reputation gets too high, and the good ones won't be happy if it goes too low. :p
  • BillBill Member Posts: 18
    What is the best way to Use Imoen? oh my....
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    edited November 2012
    Just look at my post. Shes best as an Archer/Spell Slinger but you'll want to dual her quickly to get her thief skills back fast.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Hmm... looks good, but I'd suggest another close-combat fighter instead of Rasaad - he won't be able to hold off enemies as well as Dorn does, at least for the first few levels.
  • John_KimbleJohn_Kimble Member Posts: 3
    Wow, thanks for the answers lads! I picked up all of the new guys for the new content, so I think I'll try to stick with Rasaad.

    It would still be nice/fun to have a good backstabber though, I think.
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