Using Icewind Dale soundsets in BG:EE, where to create the folder?

I'm trying to look into the possibility of using a Icewind Dale soundset for my character. How must I go about this? Must I create a folder named "Sounds" in Documents\BG:EE\ just like we do with the custom Portraits folder?
But there are fewer sounds/voice-lines in the BG soundsets and they are in a different order, unless I'm mistaken so it might get a little strange I suspect.
Anyway, then the soundfiles all go sgtraight into Documents\BG:EE\Sounds\ , right?
But there are fewer sounds/voice-lines in the BG soundsets and they are in a different order, unless I'm mistaken so it might get a little strange I suspect.
Anyway, then the soundfiles all go sgtraight into Documents\BG:EE\Sounds\ , right?
I think this: is what you want