Door with spoken password. Where is that word kept?
I would say my Toolset-Fu is around a white belt maybe a little better. I can make things and I read how to make conversations and and transition. I do not make my own modules. I get stuck in them.
So I am stuck in a module where there is a door that has a password. You click on the door and you are told to type it on the talk line. But the module isn't so great or I'm not so great with puzzles. So I go into the toolset. I figure the answer is in a script having to do with the door. But I'm not sure.
In the area there are supposed to be clues.
To make this less obscure, the module is "The Nature of the Beast" and it's the third level of the Abandoned Tower.
So I am stuck in a module where there is a door that has a password. You click on the door and you are told to type it on the talk line. But the module isn't so great or I'm not so great with puzzles. So I go into the toolset. I figure the answer is in a script having to do with the door. But I'm not sure.
In the area there are supposed to be clues.
To make this less obscure, the module is "The Nature of the Beast" and it's the third level of the Abandoned Tower.
I looked in Module Properties and that script section is blank. If the module was important, I would edit this guy's module just to get beyond that door, but it really isn't. But I am curious. But OnPlayerChat is the only place or script the password would be put?
You could check the door properties: Properties->Advanced->Variables for a string variable.
Would be logical to store it there, but it also could be stored in the module, in the area or anywhere.
You could check OnModuleLoad, OnClientEnter or the script in OnEnter of the area for
SetLocalString or
What does the OnFailToOpen script of the door do, exactly?
I can't open the module or got the wrong one (says it needs CEP 2.6 but in fact uses another version of CEP, and I really don't want to bother with it too much just to check something).
I tried that and it didn't work. I looked under all the Module properties and didn't see anything that fit the two clues. "A gnomish bar room joke you don't get." and "Something you do at least once a day."
I did the script search for SetListenPattern and found: Inventory, Pick, and Trap. Non of those seem to fit the clues but I will give them a shot.
Given the idea that this could be almost anywhere, I tried to go slowly through the scripts searching for ones that seemed likely. I went through the Module scripts scripts firsts. Nothing stood out.
Maybe I WILL edit that door to just a plain old door just to get beyond it. This is getting annoying. [grrr]
Seems this is a red herring. According to a player review from 2007 on the old IGN Vault
However, I have NWNEE.
Nothing happened when I picked up the book. Nothing happened when I went to the door other than what happened when I dropped the book and clicked on the door. (asking for a password)
This seems like a 1.69 friendly module. It has worked fine otherwise so I find it strange.
I guess I will look up the book and see what I can find out about it.
I did a bunch of things to change that door (even delete it all together) and when I opened a saved game It was the same old door.
It feels like the Save games are keeping me from seeing any changes I do to the module itself.
I would have to start a new game. Is this correct?
There are lots of ways to alter a saved game. By far the simplest in this case is to write a script that destroys the door (or whatever).
For example
where #### is the tag of the door.
You can run this as a script chunk in ctrl-shift-f12 mode, or put it in override, then dm_runscript in debug mode.
As always, back up the save before trying to change it!
Hope this is helpful.