Dev Build 84.8193.29 Questions
Dev Build 84.8193.29
First, I wanted to highlight some of the highly requested features included in it but also I have a few questions about some of them individually. To be more specific its these I am curious about:
- Shields: Now take their AC from the BaseAC column, no longer hardcoded. Still only works for the three base shield types!
- Game/baseitems: New column IsMonkWeapon replaces all hardcoded checks against BASETYPE_KAMA.
- Game/baseitems: New column WeaponFinesseMinimumCreatureSize. Takes 0/**** or the minimum creature size type needed to finesse.
Shields question:
Does this mean we can't make anything above base ac 3 or that we can't make a new shield on a new 2da line? Or that we just cant make a new shield type beyond the 3 the game knows about(small,large,tower)?
Monk weapons question:
How does this affect the different types of weapons? 2handed as in quarter staff and two weapon like clubs? Im really curious especially in the case of finesseable weapons and odd cases like two bladed swords and like. Which brings me to my next question...
Finesse weapons question:
Im assuming here that **** means any creature size but when using a specific size or above does it then restrict weapons for sizes below that? Meaning make them unusable\Red ?
Thanks for any insight.
First, I wanted to highlight some of the highly requested features included in it but also I have a few questions about some of them individually. To be more specific its these I am curious about:
- Shields: Now take their AC from the BaseAC column, no longer hardcoded. Still only works for the three base shield types!
- Game/baseitems: New column IsMonkWeapon replaces all hardcoded checks against BASETYPE_KAMA.
- Game/baseitems: New column WeaponFinesseMinimumCreatureSize. Takes 0/**** or the minimum creature size type needed to finesse.
Shields question:
Does this mean we can't make anything above base ac 3 or that we can't make a new shield on a new 2da line? Or that we just cant make a new shield type beyond the 3 the game knows about(small,large,tower)?
Monk weapons question:
How does this affect the different types of weapons? 2handed as in quarter staff and two weapon like clubs? Im really curious especially in the case of finesseable weapons and odd cases like two bladed swords and like. Which brings me to my next question...
Finesse weapons question:
Im assuming here that **** means any creature size but when using a specific size or above does it then restrict weapons for sizes below that? Meaning make them unusable\Red ?
Thanks for any insight.
The BaseAC column will only work for the 3 basegame shields (small, large, tower), you can increase the AC above 3.
It should work with any kind of weapon, from throwing/ranged to quarterstaves, probably two bladed too.
**** or 0 means the weapon can't be finesse'd, but they'll still be equipable if they have the right proficiency. It just won't use the dex mod for attack rolls.
For example, setting it to 3(Medium) means it can be finesse'd by humans, but not halflings/gnomes.
Setting it to 1(Tiny) pretty much means it can be finesse'd by anything.