Stuck on Jaheira Romance
I've searched through the boards looking for an answer and despite having EE Keeper and console enabled I can't figure out why the Romance / Companion Quest won't advance.
My party is on Chapter 6
I just finished the Xzar quest
I have not fought Bohdi for the final time at this point
Meronia did not appear after completion
Using console to spawn her (even with "JaheiraBanditPlot" set to 9, and "JaheiraHarperPlot" set to 0 does not get her to appear) just results in Jaheira standing in place not doing anything. If I talk to her again and get her into the party, the romance quest does not progress.
I tried setting my LoveTalk score to 25 (it was originally 1)
Nothing I do gets the Bandits to appear and take Jaheira hostage, and therefore I am stuck.
I'm at my wits end here, any help is appreciated.
Here is my save file.
My party is on Chapter 6
I just finished the Xzar quest
I have not fought Bohdi for the final time at this point
Meronia did not appear after completion
Using console to spawn her (even with "JaheiraBanditPlot" set to 9, and "JaheiraHarperPlot" set to 0 does not get her to appear) just results in Jaheira standing in place not doing anything. If I talk to her again and get her into the party, the romance quest does not progress.
I tried setting my LoveTalk score to 25 (it was originally 1)
Nothing I do gets the Bandits to appear and take Jaheira hostage, and therefore I am stuck.
I'm at my wits end here, any help is appreciated.
Here is my save file.
but before anything, are you using any type of mods? and if so, which ones?
Not that I can test anything, because the decompression utility I have doesn't know what to do with a .rar file.
With things broken all the way back to the beginning ... I don't think you're getting the romance on this playthrough. You might be able to force the non-romance path by setting JaheiraRomanceActive to 3, but I wouldn't trust even that if she's as non-responsive as she's been.
I mean I can understand where you are coming from, but I've had conversations with her and even got to the keepsake locket with her hair part and LT was still set to 1. I guess the code bugged out somehow.
I had no idea it wasnt part of her romance. Nonetheless I havent done anything to kill the romance, so it must be some crazy bug.
so what happened, was that it never started in the first place, or you told jaheira to shove it, or perhaps a script didn't fire when it was supposed to
but that is okay, because i am going to tell you what you need to do to make everything work from beginning to end
*although with all this being said, i suggest you do this AFTER you finish your battle with bodhi, unless you really want to go through the hassle of losing jaheira and having her miss out on a boat load of XP and then have to screw around to get her back, i say to hades with that nonsense
so once you get the latern thingy ma-jiggy from bodhi go through all the steps im giving you here and your romance should start and finish properly as it should
you are going to go into shadow keeper and you are going to add a global variable as such;
then you are going to need to have the cheat console enabled and you are going to want this time advancing command;
* for sake of ease, you can stay in the docks district the entire time while chugging through your romance ( except for the one part where you need to be in an "outside" area, i will specify when that is necessary and then once that is done, go back to the docks district to continue )
as soon as you load up your game, jaheira should start off with her first love talk line. Start going through the romance and of coarse respond to everything correctly if you want this thing to finish properly ( aka dont ever be mean to her or tell her to shove it basically )
after when she finishes a love talk advance time using the cheat command i gave you, and every time she finishes a love talk, continue to advance time until she stops giving love talks
when that happens, sleep uninterrupted and she will continue
after that banter, continue to advance time using the cheat command until she doesnt continue with banters
then rest again without being interrupted
*its okay to get interrupted while you rest, but the romance will not continue until you successfully rest, so you don't need to worry about reloading if an amnish guard wakes you up, just keep resting until you succeed, this applies to all "rest parts"
at this point i believe, even if you continue to advance time and rest, nothing will happen, if you are at that stage, its time to go off to an "outside" area, travel over to the de'arnise hold area and sleep outside, when you do, the bandits will show up, and make sure to make yourself the hostage or else the romance will fail if you do not
once the battle is over and the talk is done, meronia or whatever her name is will appear and tell you to go back to the harper hold ( after this battle is done you can stay in the docks district for the rest of this romance )
go to docks, rest uninterrupted, jaheira will join back, and then its off to harper hold and do you business in there ( again don't say anything that will upset jaheira )
after you finish cleaning house in the harper hold continue to advance real time and reviene's group will show up ( when they do it doesn't matter which path you take, whether hostile or not, jaheira will act like you killed them anyway with future banters, so up to you if you want to leave them peacefully or aggressively )
after you finish your business with reviene or whatever her name is called, continue to advance game time and continue to go through banters as they come
eventually after one of the banters, dermin will appear and again, don't say anything stupid to make jaheira mad
after your business with dermin, continue to advance time until dermin appears again, again say nothing dumb
after this meeting, rest uninterrupted and jaheira will leave for the harper hold while buddy buddy gives you a note saying where jaheira is ( if you are quick ma-graw on the draw, you can pick pocket a whole bunch of sexy +2 protection items from that guy if you are quick enough and have high enough pick pockets )
anyway, once you get the note from the holmes, storm into the harper hold, clean shop, grab jaheira and continue to clean house
once the harper hold is cleaned out continue to advance real time until no more banters come
then rest uninterrupted
after that rest, continue to rest for ( 1+ days ) and eventually dermin will appear for his final show down, clean house with dermin and his harper filth and once your business is done with that rest uninterrupted
after you rest, continue to advance real time until no new banters come along
then rest again uninterrupted
then advance game time
then rest uninterrupted twice
then continue to advance game time and elminster will eventually appear and give jaheira her harper pin and your main holmes a bunch of XP
and that will conclude your SoA romance
Then the various scripts to progress things check for whether the timer is expired. For those to work, the timer needs to have been set in the first place, to something other than zero. Setting it to a small value (say, 1) will cause it to be expired instantly, and things are back on track.
Of course, practically every step of the romance has a real-time wait of TWELVE_HOURS. Which is actually one hour. That means either a lot of waiting (you can let the game run in the background for this) or time manipulation.
I just started to progress and the most bizarre thing happened.
Bodhi took Jaheira despite never having any of the love events happen in game (like the hostage event). I'm honestly at a loss to explain wtf is happening as I havent changed a single thing since my first post.
This is just weird.
another way to avoid this is to have your romance partner dead before meeting up with bodhi, and then once the convo is over, just revive your romance partner and all will be good
There's a post-Dermin talk in Jaheira's normal dialogue; all that does is increment the "DerminSpawn" tracking variable from 8 to 9.
So, then, what are the conditions for Jaheira to talk to you at this stage of things?
When LoveTalk is 59, Jaheira will talk to you if:
- The timer is expired. One hour real time since the last talk.
- The romance is active (JaheiraRomanceActive is 1 or 2).
- "JaheiraMatch" is 1; that was a prerequisite for even starting the romance, and was set before you even met her.
- You're not in a dungeon.
- She can see you.
- You're not in combat.
- No enemy is in sight.
- No neutral (non-party, non-enemy) creature is very close to her.
When those conditions are met, LoveTalk will increment by 1, she'll turn to you, her song will start playing, and she'll initiate conversation.
My guess is that you just didn't wait out the timer; the previous talk happened immediately before you rested.
C:AdvanceRealTime(30000). Now when I speak to jaheira, I have some options to choose from.
Thanx again