Tyrants of the Moonsea: Water Elemental and Flawless Sapphirw

Hi All
I'm playing through TotM again and I can't seem to get the random encounter whereby you fight the elder water elemental and get the sapphire to finish making the golem. It worked the first time I played, but despite sailing here, there and everywhere after being assigned the quest: the encounter won't happen.
Have I missed something or is there anyway I can initiate it through the console? If I can't get the sapphire, then I can't finish the game :-(
I'm playing through TotM again and I can't seem to get the random encounter whereby you fight the elder water elemental and get the sapphire to finish making the golem. It worked the first time I played, but despite sailing here, there and everywhere after being assigned the quest: the encounter won't happen.
Have I missed something or is there anyway I can initiate it through the console? If I can't get the sapphire, then I can't finish the game :-(
On the other I can't get the pirate encounter tied to The Pirates of the Moonsea side quest.
We fixed the random encounter bug and will be released with the next NwNEE update. For a workaround please use:
-Hit the ‘ key to open the console for input
-DebugMode 1
-dm_spawnitem flawlesssapphire
-DebugMode 0