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SoD joinable NPC CRE files - where are they?

AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
I'd like to make a mod component that makes Dorn and Baeloth use their SoD sound set in BG:EE. However, I can't seem to find their SoD CRE files. All I can find is their BG:EE CREs with their BG:EE soundset. Could anybody help me locate them?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,012
    im pretty sure the creature files for the SoD versions are;


    they both start with 64 000 xp and have items that aren't in BG 1

    although, at least in NI their SoD creature files don't have their SoD sound files ( didn't know they were different between games )


    actually their creature files do have different soundsets ( who would have known? ) although NI doesn't seem to recognize them, since the stref references are over 68000

    so anyway TLDR;


    is what you are looking for
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited July 2021
    I knew, the EE NPCs' BG1 voiceset is the absolute minimum. while their SoD voiceset level is around BG2 depth.

    I'd say they should be mixed though. Excluding the selection and the battlecry responses, all of the BG1 responses can be integrated to the IWD slots 2.6 provided. Example on Baeloth:
      COPY_EXISTING ~baelot7.cre~ ~override/baelot7.cre~
        SAY 0x1E0 31962 // ~With my usual panache, I assume.~  -  SAY BGEE_ACTION4
        SAY 0x1E4 31963 // ~You must be loving this.~   - SAY BGEE_ACTION5
        SAY 0x1E8 31964 // ~All right... but NOT because you TOLD me to.~  -  SAY BGEE_ACTION6
        SAY 0x1F4 31955 // ~OBVIOUSLY, this was going to happen, but the amount of TIME it took borders on insanity! How do you function on a day-to-day basis?~     -  SAY IWDEE_LEADER2
        SAY 0x1F8 31956 // *yawn* I have little taste for sleeping in a dog pile with you rivvil. Find me an inn! - SAY IWDEE_TIRED2
        SAY 0x1FC 31957 // You wouldn't be interested in playing a little GAME, would you? Mmm? - SAY IWDEE_BORED2
        SAY 0x200 31958 // Agh! Exit stage... left? - SAY IWDEE_HURT2
        SAY 0x204 31959 // Eh? What do YOU want? - SAY IWDEE_SELECT_COMMON7 (uses SELECT_COMMON1 from BGEE as example)
        SAY 0x210 31966 // Augh... NOT AGAIN!! *gurgle* - SAY IWDEE_DYING2
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited July 2021
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    actually their creature files do have different soundsets ( who would have known? ) although NI doesn't seem to recognize them, since the stref references are over 68000

    That's an odd limitation. @argent77 ?

    I'll need find the string references for the SoD soundset to make this work (which is what I was hoping to retrieve from the CRE file.)

    Never mind, they're there.

    Inexplicably, my favorite line from the entire SoD soundset for Baeloth ("Zap! Kapow! Pew, pew, pew! Pew, pew!") does not show up in his CRE. I'll assign it to one of the rare slots, I guess.
    Post edited by AndreaColombo on
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited July 2021
    Done and done.

    @GraionDilach would you be interested in testing it?

    You can disregard the rest of the mod; I just need to know whether the SoD soundsets component works. I put in two options: pure SoD soundset and mixed BG:EE/SoD soundset. I need to know whether both install and do what they're supposed to.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited July 2021
    @AndreaColombo I don't think you intended this mod to be Windows-only. You have a fair amount of case inconsistency. (Miscellaneous/install vs Miscellaneous/Install in the tp2). This seems to be applicable for all components. Check and correct the folder and file cases please in the tp2.

    Overlooking the above, the tphs fail to install, because of a good amount of issues.
    - You placed the BUT_ONLY after then ENDs. BUT_ONLY closes COPY, ENDS close the ACTION_IFs. (You also missed one END at Dorn).
    - This one's on me being hasty in the morning, but SAY can't be used with fixed dialog numbers, so we need to use WRITE_LONGs and abandon the @ marker since these are exact values and not resolvable text.
    - The Dorn block did nothing, because you applied the extension twice. (%dorn% in dorn.cre... and then using ~%dorn%.cre~ in the block).
    - The mixed mode should also update the SoD CREs, with the BGEE set afterall.
    - EET was left out. Added to both blocks, with moving the rare-selects (and the actions in the mixed mode) appropriately.
    - The "Zap! Kapow! Pew, pew, pew! Pew, pew!" is Edwin's line in SoD and not Baeloth's, that's why it's missing from him. I've removed this one.

    I've attached the fixed tphs but I didn't edited the tp2 though, so you need to update that with allowing EET in atleast.

    EDIT: Apparently I forgot to save one of the fixes to the pure file. Reuploaded.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @GraionDilach Thank you very much for this.

    EET was left out purposefully because I did not know what the string references would end up being. Your adding it was much appreciated :)

    I do not possess the means to test my mods on non-Windows platforms and I do not know how the package needs changing to ensure compatibility, so my mods are Windows-only. Is that what the case inconsistencies are problematic for? Cause the installer isn't case sensitive so I'll fix them, but I don't think that's going to make much of a difference.

  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    Yes, Linux is case-sensitive, so WeiDU can't find the files you refer in the tp2 if you introduce case differences. Think Mac as well.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Cleaned them all up and added your files. I'll publish the update over at SHS and credit you for this component. Thanks again for your help!
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited July 2021
    - The "Zap! Kapow! Pew, pew, pew! Pew, pew!" is Edwin's line in SoD and not Baeloth's, that's why it's missing from him.

    That's disappointing. This entire enterprise was to get that one line. I see no other option but to expand this component to all characters in common between BG:EE and SoD. :D

    On a related note, shouldn't this:

    ACTION_FOR_EACH dorn IN ~dorn.cre~ ~dorn2.cre~ ~dorn4.cre~ ~dorn6.cre~ BEGIN
    			COPY_EXISTING ~%dorn%.cre~ ~override~

    Do without the ".cre" in COPY_EXISTING?
    Post edited by AndreaColombo on
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited July 2021
    Derp. Yes. Sorry for that one (reasons like that why I prefer filing fixes as GitHub PRs, I can do a side-by-side review if I'm done with everything to see if I'm doing something stupid).
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    No worries, I'll patch those up and upload the new version with the extra portraits and all SoD character sound sets ported.
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