Custom portraits not working...

Fresh install, heavily modded; the second fresh install in less than a week. v 2.6.6.
For whatever reason, some combination of the mods I'm using is causing the portraits folder at \Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition Trilogy\portraits not to be recognized. On the previous install from just 48 hours prior, the portaits were recognized just fine. Obviously some combination of mods on the second install is causing issues.
I've been trying to get around the problem by using the method of an M_*.lua file in my override folder which lists all the portraits with the appropriate gender (and the bmp files in the override folder as well). I was able to get this to work with this utility (after some tweaking)...
...but although the portraits initially seem to show up in character creation, they are actually blank, and when I scroll to them, the game freezes and then crashes.
I'm using 193 custom portraits. Is there a hard coded limit? This is hard to believe; I was able to use this many portraits just fine in my last install (which was also 2.6.6). I just can't understand why the game would freeze and crash as a result of the portraits.
All of them are 24-bit BMP files at 210x330 or less, and they have filenames of the type "Fchar114.bmp" or "Mchar192.bmp"
Appending L to the end of the filenames in the portrait folder completely solved the problem.
It's also worth noting that a seven character limit seems to be enforced (portrait filenames with 8 characters, not including L, show up as blanks). Adding an M or F prefix also restricts the portraits to the relevant gender option.
My understanding is that this behavior should *not* be present in 2.6.6, so it must be a mod...
EDIT#2: It's caused by Dragonspear UI++
For whatever reason, some combination of the mods I'm using is causing the portraits folder at \Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition Trilogy\portraits not to be recognized. On the previous install from just 48 hours prior, the portaits were recognized just fine. Obviously some combination of mods on the second install is causing issues.
I've been trying to get around the problem by using the method of an M_*.lua file in my override folder which lists all the portraits with the appropriate gender (and the bmp files in the override folder as well). I was able to get this to work with this utility (after some tweaking)...
...but although the portraits initially seem to show up in character creation, they are actually blank, and when I scroll to them, the game freezes and then crashes.
I'm using 193 custom portraits. Is there a hard coded limit? This is hard to believe; I was able to use this many portraits just fine in my last install (which was also 2.6.6). I just can't understand why the game would freeze and crash as a result of the portraits.
All of them are 24-bit BMP files at 210x330 or less, and they have filenames of the type "Fchar114.bmp" or "Mchar192.bmp"
Appending L to the end of the filenames in the portrait folder completely solved the problem.
It's also worth noting that a seven character limit seems to be enforced (portrait filenames with 8 characters, not including L, show up as blanks). Adding an M or F prefix also restricts the portraits to the relevant gender option.
My understanding is that this behavior should *not* be present in 2.6.6, so it must be a mod...
EDIT#2: It's caused by Dragonspear UI++
Post edited by tl1942 on
"With the upgrade to 2.0 and 2.1 came a new way to add custom portraits to BG/SOD and BG2. [... ] or you can put them in the override file and edit your BGEE.lua file to divide them into male and female portraits"
Normally there is no way to tell genders apart solely from the filename. It's basically a database telling the game how to sort them
I don't think PPE alone is at fault. I'm running that without issues. And all it does is put stuff in the override folder. It doesn't even change the PC portraits, but only deals with NPCs
Adding an 'L' at the end should not be necessary normally. The character limit is an issue though
@SBlack The script only creates an M_MyPort.lua, it does nothing else. The M/F prefix restriction happens regardless of whether or not that lua file exists. The same for appending L at the end of the filenames, as well as the character limit.
Definitely some kind of mod issue going on. I ended up wiping the games and starting with yet another fresh install, this time installing the UI mod (Dragonspear UI++) at the very end to see if that helps.
As far as PPE, are you running the latest version with compatibility for IWD-in-EET? That's the daft_hunk branch I mentioned. The PPE version most people are using is the K4thos branch.
I'm playing with IWD and IWD2 in EET (which fully implements all Icewind Dale content in a Baldur's Gate EET install), and I suspect that maybe this is forcing the game to use old UI rules for portraits.
Confirmed that this is caused by Dragonspear UI++ on a fresh install.