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BG:EE Invalid quests and NPC's after not playing for a while.

So I have this modded run of BG:EE almost complete, was just clearing some quests before going into the Iron Throne headquarters but got a bit bored and left it to simmer for about two monts, when I logged in I suddenly have a ton of invalid text everywhere. All my companions have invalid as dialogue options, their names and many of my quests are just invalid and numbers as well.
I assume these are all mod related but im not sure what to do, should I just reinstall the mods in question, was there an update that messed things up, or did something more severe happened and I should start over?
Thanks for the help.


  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 602
    Probably you got the 2.6 patch installed upon the game which did break it. I'm not sure what to suggest. If you have all the mods on their exact versions archived and you can downgrade your game, then go for it, but otherwise I'd consider rebuilding the modded install in a new folder and not where Steam/GoG Galaxy can patch it behind your back.
  • mademan2mademan2 Member Posts: 54
    I can just disable automatic updates, I wasnt aware there were any released for BG:EE still, but just to be sure you are saying either go through downgrade and reinstall of all the mods or just do it over again?
    Related question, if I reinstall everything, including the mods, will the save file work fine or will I still be screwed?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,901
    Some mods will be fine on top of 2.6, others might break small things. Installing your mods on top of 2.6 might have some issues, but it'll definitely be better than fragments of those mods pulled along with the update.

    Any existing runs ... those will probably still have to be abandoned. Unless you can go back to the exact setup you had before, broken references will wreck things.
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