It simply does not work

On my Desktop,
Windows Vista 32,
Intel Quadcore
4 GB ram
Ati Radeon HD 2600
It simply crashes whenever i start the game, tried every combination of compatibility mode with administrator rights, both luncher and executable, tried most fixes and legeds that are appeareing in the forum, it just crashes without any error log.
on my laptop,
Sony Vaio
Windos 7 64
2 GB Ram
Dual core
Intel (R) HD graphics
It starts but in slow motion, cinematics and game go at like 1-2 FPS, unplayable. Tried again most suggestions, it just doesn't work.
I' m looking foraward to try it on my cellphone I may have better luck....
And please, don't go L4D2 on us. If you even try to put bug fixes and improvements only in the next BG2EE at 20$ after we paid to betatest this engine you are gonna have to change name to your company.
Windows Vista 32,
Intel Quadcore
4 GB ram
Ati Radeon HD 2600
It simply crashes whenever i start the game, tried every combination of compatibility mode with administrator rights, both luncher and executable, tried most fixes and legeds that are appeareing in the forum, it just crashes without any error log.
on my laptop,
Sony Vaio
Windos 7 64
2 GB Ram
Dual core
Intel (R) HD graphics
It starts but in slow motion, cinematics and game go at like 1-2 FPS, unplayable. Tried again most suggestions, it just doesn't work.
I' m looking foraward to try it on my cellphone I may have better luck....
And please, don't go L4D2 on us. If you even try to put bug fixes and improvements only in the next BG2EE at 20$ after we paid to betatest this engine you are gonna have to change name to your company.
No idea about Vista. For Win7, have you updated your graphic drivers to the latest? Did you try running in Win95 compatibility mode? If you want help, the devs or anyone trying to help you needs to know what you've tried already.
And, I'm pretty certain the devs are ear deep in the bugs and supporting people.
You own a PC, you have responsibilities as the PC owner to keep your PC in shape and condition.
This includes downloading and updating drivers for your hardware like graphics drivers. This includes trying different solutions to fix your problems, not just throwing up your hands and saying "i'll wait for a patch".
Look at some of the threads out there...the devs will not and cannot release a patch that sets this game to "win 95 compatibility" mode. They cannot release a patch that updates your graphics drivers for you.
You paid for an original game, once the devs fix their game you're going to be stuck with what's left. If that means your intel graphics drivers aren't going to run the game you'll never run it.
Quit blaming development staff for problems with your personal computer. If you can't or won't take care of your system, it's not a developer's fault you can't run their software.
Be part of the solution or wallow in the pit of ignorance and inability.
I had a problem with Vista relating to a SideBySide conflict when I tried to run the game initially and it wouldn't start, I did manage to find a fix on the WIndows KB though. I can post it if you think it relates to your own problem.