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Date Time & Timestamps with SQLite

slaysterslayster Member Posts: 1
edited September 2021 in Builders - Scripting
I've been working on a module on and off for years now. I recently got back into it and I've been updating to make things compatible with persistence. I was surprised when Googling how little information there seemed to be about dates, times & timestamps. I found plenty of threads of people asking the same questions I was asking myself: How do I stop a quest being repeated until 24 hours of real time have passed? How to I reactivate spawn triggers on a schedule? Etc. The most common suggestions seemed to be using heartbeats or pseudo-heartbeats to create a virtual clock. However I realized that with the recent addition of Sqlite to NWN:EE you can just use that now. I find it hard to believe I'm the only who's had that idea but I couldn't find any example code out there doing that. So I whipped up a quick include script for my own module and I figured I'd share it here for anyone else wondering the same in the future. Get datetime and get timestamp functions which can be stored in a variable for comparison later.
// Include for getting real world dates, times and timestamps using the
// SQL functions added in version 81.8193.15
// @author Brendan Ellis

// Get the current date/time
// @return string in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, or an SQL error
string GetDateTimeString() {
    string strDateTime;
    sqlquery sqlDT = SqlPrepareQueryObject(GetModule(),"SELECT datetime('now')");
    if (SqlStep(sqlDT)) {
        strDateTime = SqlGetString(sqlDT,0);
    } else {
        strDateTime = SqlGetError(sqlDT);
    return strDateTime;

// Get the current unix timestamp
// @return integer, the number of seconds since 1970. 0 on error.
int GetTimestamp() {
    int intTimestamp;
    sqlquery sqlTS = SqlPrepareQueryObject(GetModule(),"SELECT strftime('%s','now')");
    if (SqlStep(sqlTS)) {
        intTimestamp = SqlGetInt(sqlTS,0);
    } else {
        intTimestamp = 0;
    return intTimestamp;

// Get the current date/time but transformed as specified for example
// "+1 day" or "+2 months" or "-1 year" etc.
// For the full list of modifiers see:
// @param string $modifiers the modifer string as described in the SQLite docs
// @return string in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, or an SQL error
string GetModifiedDateTimeString(string modifiers) {
    string strDateTime;
    sqlquery sqlDT = SqlPrepareQueryObject(GetModule(),"SELECT datetime('now',"+modifiers+")");
    if (SqlStep(sqlDT)) {
        strDateTime = SqlGetString(sqlDT,0);
    } else {
        strDateTime = SqlGetError(sqlDT);
    return strDateTime;

// Get the current unix timestamp
// @return integer, the number of seconds since 1970.
int GetModifiedTimestamp(string modifiers) {
    int intTimestamp;
    string strDateTime;
    sqlquery sqlDT = SqlPrepareQueryObject(GetModule(),"SELECT datetime('now',"+modifiers+")");
    if (SqlStep(sqlDT)) {
        strDateTime = SqlGetString(sqlDT,0);
        sqlquery sqlTS = SqlPrepareQueryObject(GetModule(),"SELECT strftime('%s','"+strDateTime+"')");
        if (SqlStep(sqlTS)) {
            intTimestamp = SqlGetInt(sqlTS,0);
        } else {
            intTimestamp = 0;
    } else {
        intTimestamp = 0;
    return intTimestamp;


And a bit of example usage.
#include "inc_sqldatetime"

void main()

    // get the current date/time string
    // get the current date/time string +1 day
    SpeakString(GetModifiedDateTimeString("'+1 day'"));

    // get the current unix timestamp
    // get the current unix timestamp +1 month -1 day
    SpeakString(IntToString(GetModifiedTimestamp("'+1 month','-1 day'")));



  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 490
    Props for throwing this together.
    I've been doing something similar but with the game time system. I figured out that one game month is close enough to 24 hours that it was acceptable to me.

    Though I really like what you've made here, it wouldn't work to just plug it in to my module because some parts rely on the date resetting when the server resets.
  • WilliamDracoWilliamDraco Member Posts: 175
    NWNX used to have functions to get real-time, and when sqlite was introduced that was replaced with a non-nwnx include library to do the same.

    Still well done for figuring out a working solution yourself, but it's likely most are using the include in the nwnx repo.
  • Ɲ????Ʀ????Ɲ????Ʀ???? Member Posts: 29
    I also wanted to do this in script but as you said there is a lack of info related to this specific topic. It was on my backburner as its a minor nuance in the grand scheme of things. Publicly shared examples are also great to draw ideas from. Kudos to you!
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