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How to defend against imprisonment in black pits 2 as solo monk?

Hello, I cant find any protection scroll vendor in BP2, not to mention I only do 1 damage to this half-kangaxxes, so what can I do or I cant with monk?


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,940
    edited September 2021
    Oh, there is a protection scroll vendor - the priest Molzahn of Tymora. You just can't buy the particular scrolls that would be helpful (free wins). And even though those demiliches' Imprisonment is technically a Maze effect, it dispels Chaotic Commands so a scroll of that won't help.

    You can buy a round by removing your save-boosting gear so that they use their Bestow Curse abilities first. Summons can distract them, if you can get any.

    Now, there is one item that will save you. The Ring of Spell Turning. No, it doesn't protect against 9th level spells. But it does fool the AI into thinking you're protected; Minor Spell Turning sets the same marker stat as regular Spell Turning, and the demiliches won't use their Bestow Curse or Imprisonment abilities on anyone with that protection up. You now have 15 rounds in which the enemy will use nothing other than melee attacks (1 APR each, THAC0 9, 1d10 damage, chance of paralysis if you fail a death save without modifier). Use them wisely.
    OK, the demiliches will use their howl too if you've summoned a vulnerable critter with less than 50% MR. They won't use it against anyone highly magic resistant, so a lone monk is safe from that.

    Then again, BP2 was absolutely not designed for a solo character of any kind. All of the experience from the fights is per-character; the members of a full party will advance just as fast as a soloist. Don't play a solo monk in the adventure.

    Now, a monk can do reasonable damage to the demiliches with their fists. As long as it's a Sun Soul monk (Flaming Fists). They don't resist fire damage, after all. Immune to cold and lightning, no protection from acid/fire/magic damage. Or you can buy the Club of Detonation +5 and use that. About 10.5 average damage per hit, either 2 APR or 3 if dual-wielded with a speed weapon. If you get lucky on the 30% chance, you can take out one of the enemies in three hits. Given 15 rounds ... the club single-wielded will get you through cleanly.
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • MugenMugen Member Posts: 15
    Thanks! with wirlwind they died in 2 rounds, the only problem was to cast the ring's spell quickly enough. As for monk I already played all trilogy with solo monk, only couldnt beat the final big woman boss
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