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All "shorty legs" party

Hello all.

I've been thinking of making a party with all companions been dwarfs or gnomes, and have some doubts about it:

PC (Gnome ¿Cleric/illu or fighter/illu? )
Korgan (¿dual welding Axes or something else?)
Mazzy (¿dual welding foe and kundane, maybe halberd, or something else?)
Jan (Rod, mostly casting, i love this fu*er)
Aerie (sling and shield) (romance option) (she fits in the party because of his background)

I thought of making a cleric/illu because it would take too much time preparing the pre-fights spells having only Aerie (dont care bout healing that much), but having one more hand in front would be more usefull. The last slot is for Companion Quests, or maybe using Her'daelis or Ano"ying"man and resolve the problem of PC.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,940
    I did a partial run of shorties - abandoned in BG1. The passive bonus to saves is really quite amazing.

    One recommendation: look into NPC mods to fill out your BG2 roster. For example, there's a mod that allows you to recruit Quayle instead of Aerie. Or a mod that imports Yeslick to BG2. Or this pack of five new characters, three of them short.

    With mods, you should be able to support any protagonist build without feeling like you're leaving holes.
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