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New version of Sword Coast Stratagems (v34) now available

DavidWDavidW Member Posts: 823
Sword Coast Stratagems is a collection of interconnected mini-mods for Baldur's Gate (on the BGT/BGTUTU/BGEE versions) and Baldur's Gate II. It is primarily a tactical and AI-enhancement mod: the idea is to make the game's combat more interesting, tactically challenging, and realistic by more effective use of, and choices of, creatures' abilities. It also contains a few rule tweaks and ease-of-use features.

Version 34 is largely a bug-fixing release: it fixes several issues (some critical) caused by the release of version 2.6 of BGEE/BG2EE, corrects a severe bug in mage AI accidentally introduced in v33.5, and solves 20-odd more minor issues. It also updates the Icewind Dale spells to IWDEE2.6, makes those spells available on non-Enhanced-edition versions of the game, adds a small new component for BG1 (Improved Carsa/Kahrk interaction), allows enemy spellcasters to use Icewind Dale spells even if the Spell Revisions mod is installed, and makes a few other minor AI and spellsystem tweaks.

Grab it direct here You can also visit the extensive project pages, readme, or SCS forum for more information.


  • MasterGimliMasterGimli Member Posts: 14
    34.3 has been out since Sep 2021. Anyone know when there will be a new release?
  • ZoltanavrZoltanavr Member Posts: 43
    Version 35 is already released
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 144
    edited January 2024
    The latest Version is giving me this error message after Installation while starting the Game (EET):

    As far as I can say, it has to do whis the 7 new divine spells added. If I skip this component, the error won't appear as well.
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