Reform party death bug?
I can't find any info on the internet about this but whenever I kick out a NPC, my mainchar dies within 1-2 seconds and gameover
e.g. near the beginning I go to Elfsong and recruit Minsc and Dynaheir, then kick them out, and the mainchar dies after that. What do?
e.g. near the beginning I go to Elfsong and recruit Minsc and Dynaheir, then kick them out, and the mainchar dies after that. What do?
I've done that quest already.
I've actually pinpointed to a small window of time between saves where this bug doesn't occur beforehand but occurs afterwards - some time from the maze onwards (just before Sarevok) this bug occurs. So it's not even SoD, the bug started in BGEE.
I only found 1 other person on the entire internet experiencing this bug - way back in 2013. Still not fixed.
But did you drink the antidote? There's a ton of threads about sudden charname/party deaths, and its always that quest.
I retested this theory - loaded up a save where this problem first appeared, I had some spare Marek potion in my inventory, all party members drank it. Bug still happens.
The potion shouldn't disappear after drinking it once. It has 10 charges. If it went away after 1, then it wasn't the right potion.
You could upload your save file to the troubleshooting section of the forums. The more technical people there might be able to take a look at it for you.
Thanks I really appreciate you helping. I contacted beamdog tech support via their website and provided a save, hope they reply.
Do you know any console commands that might be worth trying?
Sometimes email support can take awhile to get back to you. You can post the same information to the Troubleshooting section of the forum while you wait and see if you get help a tad bit quicker.
Other than that, all I can do is wish you good luck.
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')
Then CTRL+R your character. This should fully heal it and clear all statuses, buff, debuffs and such. See if it happens again. Had a bug like this that after getting level drained, and draining my constitution by various means (familiar death and drinking the vial of mysterious liquid for example), my HP had an incorrect value that caused me to die from reloading a save under specific conditions, during dream sequence and even from using Greater Restoration by the end (was listed something like -11/20 before the death screen).
Another thing that can make you ''die'' is if you didn't cure yourself after coming back from the Balduran Isle. You have 25 days to do it after getting infected. With the time. It's unlikely, but i'm still mentioning it just in case.
If you're not affected by the poison, try this command C:GetGlobal("MarekMove","GLOBAL") and the value should be 1. If it is not, use SetGlobal and set it to 1. Also try to drink the Marek antidote on the second floor of the Blushing Mermaid. Make sure your journal entry saying ''Marek thought he could refuse to hand me the antidote that would save my life from the poison. He should have had an antidote to save his own life from me".
Another Value to check if the party is cured is C:GetGlobal("PartyCured","GLOBAL"), it should be at 1. If not, you can try this input: C:SetGlobal("PartyCured","GLOBAL",1)