Journal Character Limit?

Warm winds! Is anyone aware of a character limitation to a journal entry? and if so, what might that be? I wasn't aware of one until I attempted to use it as a player's handbook for changes to default NWN, and then I found it was exceedingly short. I suppose it must have a limitation, just curious as to what it might be, and if there's a way to extend it, or maybe ask Beamdog if they think they can extend it.
I think there is a way around that because seem to remember seeing much longer entries on some servers.
Maybe you can just keep adding new entries to the same category and it will append them.
There is a GUI modification that enables longer journal entries. But I decided not to use it because that modification is not dynamic. Each journal entry when opened goes 3 pages down even when there is no text.
It might be possible that someone managed to avoid this issue, at any rate this wasn't posted publically.