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Issue with some CEP items not appearing in merchant

Gerad_VizagaGerad_Vizaga Member Posts: 14
Hi all,

Hoping to get a little help with this. Have a server hosted in the cloud, using CEP 2.65 and the latest beamdog build (.28). I have several Book 2 items in a merchant inventory that do not show up when the module is loaded into the server.

However, when I load this module up locally (either through the client or the nwserver.exe), I see these Book 2 items just fine.

On the hosted server, I can even import these items as a DM Avatar, drop them on the ground, pick them up, use them, etc. But when I try selling that book to the merchant, the transaction goes through, and the book simply disappears.

We've seen other issues with the CEP equipable tools like the pitchfork crashing the client when trying to open the merchant's inventory that sells it.

Any ideas here?


  • Gerad_VizagaGerad_Vizaga Member Posts: 14
    I narrowed it down to the CEP2_custom.hak file our server uses. I didn't have that locally.

    When I put the empty custom file on the server, the books show up fine on the server. Putting the custom file back makes the books disappear again.

    Copying that custom file to my local machine makes the shop crash altogether... >.>

    I'm not familiar with editing haks. Could there be some kind of versioning issue with the cep2custom.hak?
  • meaglynmeaglyn Member Posts: 153
    I suspect one of your cep2custom.haks is not actually empty.
  • Gerad_VizagaGerad_Vizaga Member Posts: 14
    So that was definitely the issue. The cep2custom hak was missing entries for book 2*, tools, makeshift weapons, etc. I added those entries and it looks like it works now!
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