Trouble loading saved games from old premium modules

I recently purchased the "Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Digital Deluxe Edition" from GOG and I'm trying to make my old saved games work. So far so good with the built-in campaigns and the community modules, but I'm having trouble with saved games from premium modules.
Please consider the attached saved game from Wyvern Crown of Cormyr as an example. The saved game was created by NWN Diamond Edition (version 1.69, probably) with the premium module purchased separately. I can still load the saved game in my Diamond Edition installation (after using this, at least:
With NWN Enhanced, I cannot load the saved game. I get this error in the log:
Note that I can start new games in NWN Enhanced using this premium module ok. I just can't load the saved game.
I'm running Linux (Debian Sid), but I doubt this is an OS-related issue.
Has anybody been able to open old saved games from premium modules?
I reported this as a bug to GOG support, who referred me to Beamdog support. I filed ticket NWNS-9457, but the ticket tracker just relays reports to developers and I don't have any indication whether this is even supposed to work.
I recently purchased the "Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Digital Deluxe Edition" from GOG and I'm trying to make my old saved games work. So far so good with the built-in campaigns and the community modules, but I'm having trouble with saved games from premium modules.
Please consider the attached saved game from Wyvern Crown of Cormyr as an example. The saved game was created by NWN Diamond Edition (version 1.69, probably) with the premium module purchased separately. I can still load the saved game in my Diamond Edition installation (after using this, at least:
With NWN Enhanced, I cannot load the saved game. I get this error in the log:
[Mon Sep 20 20:26:32] [] () Joined as Server Admin 1 [Mon Sep 20 20:26:32] () Joined as Player 1 [Mon Sep 20 20:26:32] Loading Module: 000682 - e - wcc - 0 - begin/Neverwinter Nights - Wyvern Crown of Cormyr Could not load the Module. Module file might be corrupt OR an error occurred authenticating ownership of this Premium Neverwinter Nights Module. [Mon Sep 20 20:26:32] Server Shutting Down [Mon Sep 20 20:26:32] Left as a Server Admin (0 SA's left) [Mon Sep 20 20:26:32] Left as a Player (0 players left) Primary player removed. Shutting down
Note that I can start new games in NWN Enhanced using this premium module ok. I just can't load the saved game.
I'm running Linux (Debian Sid), but I doubt this is an OS-related issue.
Has anybody been able to open old saved games from premium modules?
I reported this as a bug to GOG support, who referred me to Beamdog support. I filed ticket NWNS-9457, but the ticket tracker just relays reports to developers and I don't have any indication whether this is even supposed to work.
I have now updated the game and the WCC module to: 85.8193.32.
The behavior for this is unchanged.