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Free up space for level 9 spells

I have created a mod adding 69 spells, but I can't make the level 9 spells available for the sorcerer, there is no more slot (well, there are three but they are super requested ^^)
Is there a way to add level 9 spells to the sorcerer's list without bugging the game/other mods?


  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,537
    Guess you can try your luck with this tool...
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 266
    unfortunately not
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    That should resolve it because the whole point behind that setup is to resolve this issue.

    I mean, his own spell mod adds 11 level 9 Mage spells utilizing it which are available and exposed for the sorcerers too.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Olvyn's Spell Tool is simply the best way at present that I know about to add more spells for PCs on EE installs.
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 266
    Olvyn's spell patches a lot of critical files and applies its requirements to a lot of other files. Mods installed afterwards get lost when they try to install scripts calling vanilla resources. (in spell.ids)
    I made a "clean" mod that doesn't change anything in the other files of the game (except adding entries to spell.ids with ADD_SPELL) and I want it to stay like that. No monstrous tinkering that turns everything upside down.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited September 2021
    If you want have a clean mod, then accept the limitation and only add the amount of spells which you have slots for. Demanding Beamdog to reorder spell.ids to free up those slots is a similar level of "monstrous tinkering turning everything upside down", because that also affects and has a chance to break mods which would use a script or a trigger based on spell.ids.
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 266
    It's hard to accept, this raw demarcation, but if there is no other choice. you are absolutely right.
    End of discussion, topic closed
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