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Release Radial menu for PC/Steam Deck

ShankstaBytesShankstaBytes Member Posts: 19
edited April 2022 in Feature Requests
PC gaming is really the best, but the Radial menu is perfect for a controller. Will we ever get a release of the radial menu for PC?

It would be really nice when using the Steam Deck that I plan on getting.
Post edited by ShankstaBytes on


  • ShankstaBytesShankstaBytes Member Posts: 19
    You could even include it as a paid add-on. I don't care.

    10 bucks? 5 bucks?
  • ShankstaBytesShankstaBytes Member Posts: 19
    I just got my steam deck and would love a radial menu.
  • ItomonItomon Member Posts: 187
    I think you may be able to config a radial menu on your own using the Steam Controller Configuration... its doable to say the least
  • DudzioDudzio Member Posts: 81
    They should add also mouse and keyboard support for consoles version, but now they officially announced abandoning of support for their previous games -,- They focus on a new IP.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2022
    Dudzio wrote: »
    They should add also mouse and keyboard support for consoles version, but now they officially announced abandoning of support for their previous games -,- They focus on a new IP.

    What has been stated in this post certainly confirms a shift in priorities and makes clear we can't expect new additions or big changes to the existing games anymore, but it doesn't sound quite the same as "abandoning support for their previous games".

    I have never used consoles so can't comment on those versions at all, but the Steam Deck is so new I don't think it's realistic to expect adjustments to older games for its sake at this point.
  • ShynShyn Member Posts: 73
    I have a deck and I can confirm (albeit in other games) that you can set up a radial menu on the trackpads using steaminput. Its not hard to do at all and you can assign whatever functions and shortcuts you like.
  • DudzioDudzio Member Posts: 81
    Shyn wrote: »
    I have a deck and I can confirm (albeit in other games) that you can set up a radial menu on the trackpads using steaminput. Its not hard to do at all and you can assign whatever functions and shortcuts you like.

    Can you write a guide how to do this?
  • DrAzTiKDrAzTiK Member Posts: 74
    edited October 2024
    if we can make a radial menu thanks to steam input, it is oc a good new.

    But I think we also need to be able to control and move character with analog input like in BG3 or modern rpg. It looks like we can do it on switch console but not sure how to make something similar on PC without a strong coding mod.

    Navigation on inventory, purchasing items on shops would also need special controller configuration..
    Post edited by DrAzTiK on
  • xxBhaalxxxxBhaalxx Member Posts: 2
    Is it possible to patch it at this point to add them? I’ve seen a lot of people asking for this on other forums and it’s a shame this ‘definitive’ versions lack that feature :( I keep checking if they patch it but it does not happen.

    Please, consider adding this option for Steam users as others have it on Switch, Xbox and PS. Most of us wouldn’t mind buying the game again if it was sold separately only for this.
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