(Tyrants of the Moonsea) Stuck in Mulmaster

I believe I finished all the quest objectives in the city of Mulmaster. I spoke with the ships captain, and told her I was ready to leave. Inside the ship's cabin, I attempt to use the map to select our next destination, but instead get the message "Use the door to exit." ...Is my game broken, or did I miss something? I'm using the Mac version 85.8193.32.

Try leaving the cabin and back in again to use the map. It should reset things and you’ll be able to proceed.
I’m sorry to hear it’s not working. We have a possible workaround for you.
Enter the ship cabin but before using the map
Hit ‘ to open the console and type DebugMode 1 then Enter.
Hit ‘ again and type dm_setvarint sWM_DidTravel 0 then Enter, then target your character.
Hit ‘ once more and type DebugMode 0
Let me know if that works. Also if you can post an screenshot of the chat log window using the steps below, we’d really appreciate it. It would help us to figure out where the problem might be.
Before talking to Kettia use:
DebugMode 1
and target your character. Take an screenshot of the chat window text.
Then DebugMode 0