atioglxx.dll file cause for crashed game

I think this is the same kind of thing for nvidia, but it is named differently... I have two questions?
Is there anything I can do to to fix this problem with atioglxx?
Where is baldur.ini in windows 7? I can't find it!
Is there anything I can do to to fix this problem with atioglxx?
Where is baldur.ini in windows 7? I can't find it!
The file name seems to be GLX (Open GL) related. Is there a way to turn off Open GL support on your game? You may find you can run it (or get past the place the error is occuring) till a working update comes out.
The other thing I'd look at is potentially updating the graphics drivers on your system. If you're running beta drivers, go to standard, if you're running standard drivers, try the beta ones.
On Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, BG:EE uses OpenGL 2.0 (requires an ATI/AMD Radeon 9700+ or NVIDIA GeForce 6xxx+ series GPU), on iOS and Android it uses OpenGL ES.
They will never release a DirectX version, because by using OpenGL they are able to use the same (mostly) graphics code base across all platforms.
YUCK! The .ini file BG:EE uses is a series of SQL statements.
You can find it in My Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/...
There are two options: '3D Acceleration', '1' and 'Backwards Compatible 3d', '0' that you MIGHT try changing (from '1' to '0' and '0' to '1'). I almost think that is irrelevant these days, considering the game REQUIRES OpenGL.
** Edit the file in Wordpad, because it will show up on a single line in Notepad.
The possibility exists that the reason the ATI driver is throwing errors is the file you list above is incompatible with the Open GL function calls they're making. Too old, too new...that's why I suggested either upgrading or downgrading your graphics driver or trying to turn off Open GL completely (going to a 2d version).
I agree, finding the location of the baulders gate .ini file would be ideal for you in this case.
The game is running off of a SQL Database backend? *blink*...*blink*
Murray: What Kaldaien is saying is you won't find a bauldersgate.ini file, instead you'll want to go into the folder he mentioned and do a full text search for "3d Acceleration". Whatever file you find it in, you'll want to change the various bit flags on (ONE AT A TIME) to see if you can get it to work..
I'd make the guess that if one fixes it it'll be the "3D Accceleration" flag...setting that to 0 would indicate a removal of 3d Accel completely which would indicate to me that it would then be able to bypass Open GL calls completely...or at least in a large majority.
NOTE: BE CAREFUL. If you edit with WordPad and save it back there are several things that could go VERY wrong for you.
* The file gets saved as an "rtf" extension file, which I pretty much guarantee will hose things up for you.
* If the file is coming across as a single line in notepad it means that the line endings are "unix" format line endings (no line feed character). If you put windows "returns" into the file it COULD completely screw up the processing of that file. If you're planning on making changes I would HIGHLY recommend downloading a programmer's text editor (like textpad or notepad++) which inherently understands Unix line endings vs Windows Line Endings.
Before editing this file I would HIGHLY recommend making a backup copy of it.
What solved it for me is the weird but functional "iTunes solution": open iTunes and then run BG:EE from launch. Odd but it solved it for me and many others.
Some others suggested that what worked for them was uninstalling both ATI drivers and the game, use a software to clean the possibile remaning GPU drivers and then re-install everything, possibly position BG:EE in the C:\ directory and launching it with Administrator privileges.
Neither of this solution is 100% bullet proof, but they both allowed many people to play (me included...).
The Baldur.ini file is created the first time you succesfully launch the game. That's why you can't (still) find it.
If I may also add a polite advice, please, look first for others threads about crashes at launch: there are many already, carrying many possibile solutions already offered and tested by some. If everyone starts a new thread the valuable information gets lots. This is like the 7th time today that I repost these same info because people are starting new threads. That's fine, I understand the frustration very well, but it's not helping much.
More power to you if running iTunes somehow fixes this, but that is quite possibly the strangest solution I have ever heard of :P
I am definitely blessed to work primarily on fixed-spec hardware / software platforms.
It was only after hours and hours of useless attempts that, out of sheer frustration, I tried it. Since then, the game is running perfectly for me...
Would really like someone with an explanation myself!
Kaldaien, I've got an MS in CS also...and I spend most of my days as a systems architect and admin for a Fortune 250, and have developed software supporting millions of people worldwide...want to go start a Law firm? I'm thinking it might just be the only thing I have left...
Oh for the days I could modify a win.ini, system.ini or config.sys file to fix a problem in an understandable manor.
No wonder I prefer Linux/Unix over any other OS these days.
I know, it's a High Memory problem! You're loading too much to the initial 640K of RAM your system need to modify your LOADHIGH lines!
It does mate - bottom left of the page in the forum links side-bar, just underneath the "Who's online in this Category" sub heading.