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Rasaad TOB Bug?

I'm in the Deepstone Clanhold, and Rasaad keeps pausing my game to shout "Father?!" any time we are near the chasm/purple ore veins. Like to the point I have to keep selecting him and walk him away from the chasm in between him yelling, so I can move on. Nothing else seems to happen...tried googling and can't find a single reference to it. This ever happen to anyone else?


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,883
    The "Father" line is what he should say in the "Master Wraith" encounter in the Forest of Mir. I'm assuming you've already had that? That line has a weight of 5, as opposed to the 7 weight of the line he's supposed to have at the chasm. So, if the conditions for both are fulfilled, the line with lower weight takes priority and he shouts the wrong thing. Then, since he had the wrong dialogue, it doesn't set the variable that the right dialogue would have and stop it from triggering again.

    The "Father?!" line requires global variable "OHR_wraith" to be 1, and is supposed to be responded to by the apparition of his father. A later point in the dialogue increases "OHR_wraith" to 2.
    The chasm line requires variable "OHR_CHASM" (local to the area OH4220) to be 1, and the end of that dialogue increments it to be 2. An area on the ground near that chasm has a script with a number of effects - increment "OHR_CHASM" from zero to 1, force Rasaad to initiate dialogue if that variable is 1, and several other things.

    So, my diagnosis: something glitched back in the wraith encounter, and "OHR_wraith" didn't get updated properly. Edit the save so that it's 2, and Rasaad's dialogue will be fixed going forward. If you don't, then he'll continue to shout "Father?!" whenever he should have an interjection - something like ten more times in this quest alone.

    If you have a save-editing tool, or have enabled the cheat console, you can make the change yourself. Otherwise, you can upload a save and we can fix that.
  • Aryn11Aryn11 Member Posts: 3
    Oh my goodness, thank you so much. This makes so much sense because when I got to Gorion he initiated a bunch of dialogue and then never turned into the wraith or initiated combat, and I just moved on. I will try fixing this in EEkeeper and come back here if that doesn't work. Thanks!!
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,883
    OK. Looking back at the "Gorion" encounter...

    He has four phases to his dialogue. He talks to you for the first two, then turns to your romance partner for the third. This third phase includes a cutscene to call up an apparition of that romance partner's dead loved one - in Rasaad's case, his father. Once that happens, dialogue ensues involving that new apparition.

    Finally, in the fourth phase, he turns back to the the protagonist. At the end of this phase, the fight starts.

    I'm thinking that cutscene didn't work, and the apparition of Rasaad's father never showed up.

    The dialogue phases are controlled by the "WraithPunish" global variable. It should be 2 when the romance partner's bit begins, and is incremented to 3 at the end of the dialogue between them and their dead loved one.

    So, if you set WraithPunish to 3, you should be able to go back and have that fight too.
  • Aryn11Aryn11 Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2021
    You know, the whole time going through that dwarven stronghold I was afraid that somehow Alorgoth would end up being Rasaad's dad LOL. Your explanation makes way more sense, ha! To go further down the rabbithole, I wonder if the Gorion dialogue screwed up for me because for some reason Aerie is stuck in a romance with me, despite me never having romanced her, AND despite trying to set her romance to either 1 or 3 in EEkeeper, it just keeps resetting to 2. So I imagine the wraith was a little confused about who to taunt. But who knows! Either way, I did fix it with your advice and was able to finish the quest, so thanks a lot!
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