Every portait from b1 ee, bg 2 ee, iwd ee and iwd 2

i've seen a couple of times people asking for this so i made 4 files a portait folder that contains every portrait from every game ( so the bg1 folder contains every portrait from bg 1 ) although some of the games contain the same portrait twice, so for that, i made sure not to duplicate them and only had kept them in one folder ( hence the reason why the bg1 folder contains way more than the bg 2 folder )
to use them, just open up the appropriate folder and then go into your "documents" folder and find the IE game you want, then open that folder up, and there should be a portraits folder in there. Copy paste into there and you should be good to go
to use them, just open up the appropriate folder and then go into your "documents" folder and find the IE game you want, then open that folder up, and there should be a portraits folder in there. Copy paste into there and you should be good to go