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SOA XP cap in BG2EE

Hey all.

Is there a way to re-impose the original SOA's XP cap (no TOB installed) in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition? I don't want to necessarily be super overleveled for the end of the game.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    Low-tech, you can simply opt not to level up once you exceed the relevant value (2.95 million).

    You can lower the XP cap by changing one value in STARTARE.2da - but that seems to also affect ToB. Despite that file having another set of values that appear to correspond to the ToB campaign. I don't think there's a way to decouple the two experience caps in the EE.
  • AsaBMAsaBM Member Posts: 85
    I don't think I could handle not clicking that Level Up button, LOL.

    I'll edit the 2da, not planning on doing TOB any time soon anyway. Is the value something intuitive?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    The value you're looking to tweak is START_XP_CAP. Standard value 8000000, original SoA value 2950000. Pretty intuitive in my view.

    The non-intuitive part is which file it's buried in - XPCAP.2da is something else, setting class-dependent limits that apply across all campaigns under the program's umbrella
  • AsaBMAsaBM Member Posts: 85
    Awesome, thanks.
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