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Unfinished Business: Haer'Dalis' Stuff is Gone!

AsaBMAsaBM Member Posts: 85
After proving the tiefling's innocence for Balthis' murder and freeing him from prison, his inventory is completely empty! What happened to his stuff? Is it stashed somewhere, or is this a glitch? I had given him some unique items, so this is pretty frustrating.


  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    edited October 2021
    I haven't take HD through a playthrough with UB in quite some time, but I recall he used to drop all his equipment on the ground when he gets arrested. Maybe check on the ground wherever that happened. But they may have disappeared if that is too long ago, in which case I would reload a save before the arrest to confirm that this is what happened.

    Again, this may well have changed since then.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,917
    In current versions of UB ... still a "DropInventory()" command in the arrest cutscene. So yeah, that stuff should be on the ground somewhere, unless you picked it up or it's been long enough that it vanished.

    This is not the only way of handling things; the conceptually similar arrest of Nalia from the vanilla game uses a "GivePartyAllEquipment()" command instead, dumping everything into party members' inventory instead of on the ground. Personally, I think that's a better choice.
  • AsaBMAsaBM Member Posts: 85
    jmerry wrote: »
    ...dumping everything into party members' inventory instead of on the ground. Personally, I think that's a better choice.

    Yeah, I remember that. Agree wholeheartedly.

    @Ammar sigh...guess I'll check every district of Athkatla, because I cannot remember where I was at the time. I recall it was a northwest exit, though. One moment...

    Aaaaaand there it is! Gosh, that's a relief. Thanks.
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