HoW:TotL only from scratch (solo, moderate stats, Insane diff.)

The idea is to start HoW and to go directly to Trials of the Luremaster without any additional actions. HoF seems too extremal for a solo char of lvl 10, so I started on insane diff.
My first try:
Berserker (dual-classable to Thief) with moderate stats
Grand mastery in longswords, 2pips for sword+shield.
My first try:
Berserker (dual-classable to Thief) with moderate stats
Grand mastery in longswords, 2pips for sword+shield.
Bag of Holding
Ogre Bracers (STR=18/00)
Golden Girdle (AC+3 vs slashing attacks)
What are you wearing for armor/shield and using for a weapon? Using non-enchanted ones and hoping to pick up something good?
Thanks for your reply! ? I've just cleared out the Watchknights Crypt.
When U start in HoW, it gives you some decent equipment (flaming sword+2, Lathander's helm, great shield+3). I improved it bying the full plate+1 in Hobart's shop. I have also found longsword of action+4.
So, now my Berserker has lvl 13, AC=-10, THAC0 = 0. It's enough to crush most of enemies, including groups of harpies, on Insane (however on HoF it would be impossible imho). ?
Now, I'm preparing to fight with Harpy Queen and Wyvern Matron. ⚔️
LSoA and a flaming longsword is one of my favourite combos. It looks cool, and it's pretty effective, especially against revenants, trolls, etc.
So since you're in melee almost exclusively, how are you doing the fights with mixed mobs? Going straight away to take down greater mummies and just tanking the mob with AC/HP/DR until after that's done?
I've beaten 1 Greater Mummy in the Watchknights Crypt and, curiously, it was not difficult. It inflicted only a disease (giving regular poison damage) that I cured with a potion. There is no level drain in IWD, otherwise it would be a huge problem (no temple services in TotL to restore from level drains). ?
Now, normally, I go straight in the middle of massive melees. ⚔️
Current status: lvl 15, AC=-13 (-15 during the berserker's rage), 9/2 attacks/round with longsword of action+4. ?
N.B. I've found a mantle, compatible with armor, improving AC to -13.
Current status: level 26, searching for portal gems in Castle Dungeon Level 4. ?
So far, Glabrezus and Kornugons (24,000XP on Insane) were the toughest melee fighters. ⚔️
N.B. 3 Kornugons appear on Insane when U put an incorrect flawless gem into one of Portal's slots.
Current status: Berserker(inactive)/Thief of lvl 29/19 after completing the Burial Isle.
The "completion" of Burial Isle is just picking up Wylfdene's talisman using only Hide in Shadows. LoL ?
I've taken also the cursed armor possessed by Glabrezu. ?
Don't forget that I played on Insane (not HoF) and 5 traps are normally enough to kill a Remorhaz. Basically, the completion of Gloomfrost was a long sequence of resting and of trap installing. Sometimes I finished Remorhaz, as U indicated, outside with a shortbow/sling. A bit arduous but not excessively, it affords a quick lvl progression since each Remorhaz gives 24,000XP. ?