Original Campaign creature pallet inconsistency

There are some features and fixes I want to add to the original campaign. I've made new module copies with new names and so on. Anyway, I need to change the OnDeath script for a bunch of thugs in the Docks area, but the blueprint resrefs listed in the encounters are not in the pallet.
How (besides moneo) do I get them available to edit?
How (besides moneo) do I get them available to edit?
If so, I'd expect the templates to show in that palette.
The templates must exist in the module (for the encounters to work) so, with the toolset open, you could use GFF Editor on the .utc files in modules/temp0 to see what's going on. I guess the templates might be assigned to a palette category that isn't defined in the .itp file, which is easy to fix - or perhaps you're over-riding the .itp somehow?
It is really weird that it works. Maybe I'll try copying it from the .nwm file instead.