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Question about leveling hirelings and quest completion in the second Chapter...?

A quick question - if the player gets to the second chapter of the official campaign of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, without leveling the hirelings or fulfilling their personal quest, can leveling and quest completion be achieved at the beginning of the second chapter? And at that point, will the player receive the special item that each hireling gives when their quest is completed?


  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    As you advance in LVL's talk to your hirelings and every couple of LVL's they get a dialogue option to advance.

    As for the special times you have to get the first LVL of those items in Chapter 1 to get the upgraded version in Chapter 2 otherwise you only get the lower LVL version of the items in Chapter 2.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446

    Like what @Cerabelus said. More specifically, you don't need to have any henchmen adventuring with you for them to level up. They just need to be joined up with you after you have gained the sufficient level of experience in order for the dialogue option to appear. IIRC, any henchman you are grouped with and creatures you have summoned will each gain a portion of XP from enemies. This has been the reason why I would normally solo all the content in the base game. Mr. @TrentOster once said in a Beamdog Livestream that he prefers to play the Barbarian class because he wants all the hit points. I prefer to solo the content because I want all the experience points.

    You can start your henchman's quest dialogue at any time after you hire him/her, but you must be level 6 or higher in order for your henchman to finish his/her quest dialogue. My modus operandi in Chapter 1 would be to solo adventure until I reached level 6, hire each henchman in Neverwinter (at the reduced rate of 100 gold pieces thanks to my ranks in Persuade) and read through all their relative quest dialogues, remove them from my party, then resume my solo adventure throughout the districts. Once I had found their respective quest items, I would rejoin my henchmen in order to turn in their quest items and receive their reward items, then remove them from my party before finishing my solo adventure in Chapter 1.

    Thank you for reading. Happy, healthy (both mentally and physically) gaming to all.

  • NeveroddoreveNNeveroddoreveN Member Posts: 193
    Thanks to you both!! One more question - for clarifications sake - if I complete Chapter One, but do not level up my henchmen before completing the Chapter, can I level them up as soon as Chapter 2 begins?
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    Yes Just pick them back up and tell them to LVL up.
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