Did anyone manage to end chapter 3 in the first day?
There're a few events will set the time to specific moments, and I wonder if it's possible to leave Athkatla in the very first day? I find the challenge quite funny as usually chapter 2-3 takes at least weeks, and the plot also assume that's a long time.
I can't remember which hour the game starts in day 0, but when leaving the dungeon the time is set to 7:00 (or 8:00?), so I guess it's not possible to enter chapter 1 and 2 in day 0 without cheating.
Then we are in chapter 2, it's not hard to get 15000gp in day 1, but in order to leave in day 1, if siding with Shadow Thieves the whole guild war quest line must be finished in 3 in-game hours, as Mook only appears after 21:00. I wonder if it's possible with a set-up like solo, boots of speed, oil of speed and only killing necessary enemies? Also if side with vampires do we have to wait for certain times?
I can't remember which hour the game starts in day 0, but when leaving the dungeon the time is set to 7:00 (or 8:00?), so I guess it's not possible to enter chapter 1 and 2 in day 0 without cheating.
Then we are in chapter 2, it's not hard to get 15000gp in day 1, but in order to leave in day 1, if siding with Shadow Thieves the whole guild war quest line must be finished in 3 in-game hours, as Mook only appears after 21:00. I wonder if it's possible with a set-up like solo, boots of speed, oil of speed and only killing necessary enemies? Also if side with vampires do we have to wait for certain times?
increasing frame rate also increases game time so it doesn't really help that much
and for the first quest, regardless of path you chose, you are waiting until 9:00 pm because even on bodhi's side you make sure the shipment goes through
so i would say the shadow thief side is faster because on the bodhi side you only have to kill aran linvail but it is kind of a mickey mouse maze of things you need to do first to get to him
while on the thief side you only have to kill 3 vamps, stake 'em, and then bodhi appears
realistically, unless you do it on story mode, its going to be SUPER difficult to finish the game up by the end of 23:59:59, just the walking in general is going to take time, and battles you will have to fight
although barbarian does sound possible if going mace style, just make sure to bring plenty of potions of extra healing because your AC will probably be not that good, using your rage to soak up level drains
or maybe you could be an undead hunter actually, skilled with mace, immune to level drain, having great bonuses vs undead, but just the barbarian's natural faster speed is also going to be key, so hard to say
If you're looking to minimize in-game time, midnight is the key threshold; the cutscenes for getting on the boat advance time to midnight. Miss that mark, and you lose a full day.
As for the boots of speed, that would require doing the Planar Prison quest. And you have 14 hours to do that before you get started on the guild war. Boots of speed, oils of speed - you can move pretty fast if you need to.
That's interesting, do you then end up paying full price (20000 vs the later reduction to 15000)?
yup, and gaelan's response is something on the lines of; oh... you already have it a see... ( as in he is surprised that you would already have that much at this point in time )
although if you do have the 20k gold at the time, its best to say that "you will come back" and once the cut scene is done, you can just pay the 15k instead, saves yourself 5k