How to get Level Requirement to Equip item?

Is there a function to see what level is required to equip an item?
** Side bar ** Toasts to ya'll getting the new forums back up!
** Side bar ** Toasts to ya'll getting the new forums back up!
Edit: I'd recommend changing to "else if" for all of those though. You can then drop all the > checks and it'll generally run faster. As it is it will have to do all the tests all the time.
(edited per meaglyn below)
Perfect, I'll give that a try!
Good catch. I just ran into that issue now. well done, and thank you.
int GetIdentifiedItemGPValue(object oTargetItem){
if(GetIdentified(oTargetItem) != TRUE){ SetIdentified(oTargetItem, TRUE);
DelayCommand(0.1, SetIdentified(oTargetItem, FALSE)); }
if(GetPlotFlag(oTargetItem) == TRUE) {
SetPlotFlag(oTargetItem, FALSE);
DelayCommand(0.1, SetPlotFlag(oTargetItem, TRUE)); }
return GetGoldPieceValue(oTargetItem);