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NWN:EE modules (official, community and premium) What items to keep

kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
edited December 2021 in General Discussions NWN:EE
When i played NWN:EE SoU for the first time, in the last few days, i searched for guides to see what should i keep and what was safe to sell. I didn't find these informations easy and in the end i failed to know that rubies could be used to craft a special artifact in the middle part of the game.

Thus, my request is: What special features of each module and what should i keep with me for craft or quest use pruposes?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    it think is personally preference really

    that item you are talking about, has around 20 different combos it can do on those weird stone thingies to give you x amount of ability per day as the spell, ( i believe i had one that would slow enemies and haste my guys? ) and in the end, i barely if ever used it

    one thing that i do try and do though is, is make sure i have as much money as i can possibly muster before i import my character into HotU because in that game you can customize your weapon to truly god like proportions and its expensive ( usually can cost around 1 000 000 gold per weapon ) plus, you need extra gold for true names which can range from 200 000 - 500 000, so if by chapter 3, you can still hit the 2 000 000 gold mark with your weapon(s) fully upgraded you are good to go

    now this is much easier when going solo which i always do ( because i find bringing henchmen along too much of a hassle thanks to the fact that you cannot control them fully and their AI is complete soup )

    but other than that, there really is no game breaker super ultra cool items that can be made that you are truly missing out on

    although, i would say that warhammer is the best single handed melee weapon, and once you hit level 17 the hammer of thunderbolts becomes an option

    or if you are a paladin in SoU you can get the holy avenger which is pretty neat ( although it doesn't surpass damage reduction because the game "thinks" its a +0 weapon, although that can be fixed in HotU )

    so i would say at best, any of those super unique items, all you are really missing out on is a bit more convenience at best ( although i guess in HotU in chapter 1 you would probably really want to make sure you get that genie merchant guy, again just for convenience of having a store where ever you are )
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Thx for the tips @sarevok57, in the end of HotU i ended activating Debug Mode to give me gold for the true names. I had tons of items to sell and could raise that gold, but i couldn't go back to the main city of act 3 and the Djinn in the last chapter rip too much money from you (pay too low and even has a merchant cap of 15.000 gp).

    About Henchman, that's something you can't go without in HotU... because that module really need mule packs, there are tons of items and you don't have space or strengh to carry all of them all the time.

    I made a drizzt copy for my first playthrough: Dual wield fighter "Fighter 6/ Weapon Master 7/ Champion of Torm all the other level ups". Dual wield scimitar, both with keen to make crit range 10-20. Most of the game was a walk in the park (hell included) but elemental barriers of mages gave me a bit of trouble, but i just switched to a bow and ended them fast too. Made hardcore difficulty apppear like story mode, but i'm sure my next playthrough as a pure mage will be harder (from the point of view of trouble, no click and kill anymore).

    Back on the OP request, my intent was to know if anyone made a compreensive list on the main modules to know what you should keep and what you can sell without worry. Walkthrough normally list these things at the begin (but not always, the one i looked for example didn't warned me about rubies for SoU).
  • PaquoCastorPaquoCastor Member Posts: 6
    It's full of meta-gaming and spoilers, but the reference guide (web search "nwn reference guide," it's hosted on multiple sites) has most of this information on the OC, the expansions, and the first four premium modules. It's not complete, but it will tell you what miscellaneous items have future use in those campaigns.

    With the belt of giant strength line and multitude of containers you can purchase, it's not hard to carry everything in HotU. My halfling fighter certainly never needed pack mules. Also, just a tip for new players: there's a reason HotU dumps elemental resistance rings on the player. The acid one can help with certain magic-users... it is 30/- by the way.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited January 2022
    If you shop around in each chapter you find that the Djinni merchant gives bad prices and capped as you said.

    I use the Djinni for small sales and hord the good stuff for shopping around to find someone who gives a better price.

    If a merchant gives a capped value for a good item in chapter 1 hold onto it for chapter 2 and you should get better value.

    As for Chapter 3 yeah you can't go back so most of you money needed to be made in chapter 2 and the beginning of 3.
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