Altering existing characters
If I want to alter exsisting charcters, let's say make Korgan a Dwarven Defender or Mincs a Fighter, is that possible. Are there any no-gos which screw the game up? I like the idea of playing different characters but not having to resort to six of my own charcters. I also thought of lowering their stats to make it a bit more difficult since I've already soloed the game on Insane.
If I want to alter exsisting charcters, let's say make Korgan a Dwarven Defender or Mincs a Fighter, is that possible. Are there any no-gos which screw the game up? I like the idea of playing different characters but not having to resort to six of my own charcters. I also thought of lowering their stats to make it a bit more difficult since I've already soloed the game on Insane.
If the character has already joined the party, make sure to add any new kit abilities and delete any old ones.
Other than that, go ahead. You're unlikely to break anything.
Then when you open the save in game the character will go from 0, allowing you to spend skills points etc like on char creation and up to whatever xp the character is at.. I find this process makes it far less messy than say swapping lvl 7 ranger for lvl 7 fighter, save changes and load game.
Korgan's dialogue in ToB if you drop him from the party is alignment-dependent. If he's anything other than CE or CG, he doesn't have anything to say and can't be invited back in or sent to the Pocket Plane. Oops.
This also becomes relevant against effects such as petrification and imprisonment that remove him from the party.
You're probably not planning on altering alignment, so this is unlikely to be an issue. But it's there.