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BGEE crash when creating a new game and click 'Venture Forth'

The program crashed when I created a new game and clicked 'Venture Forth', it's the same for the original campaign, Siedge of Dragonspear and the Black Pit. I tried Siedge of Dragonspear with 'import save' but it
crashed as well. However I can load old game saves of the original campaign and the Black Pit and play. I have BGEE2 on the same PC it works fine. I got the game from Steam with the latest patch, game saves are from previous version of BGEE on Steam about 3 years ago. My OS is windows 10 and I have no mod installed.

Things I've tried but problem is not solved
1.verify integrity in Steam
2.uninstall and reinstall the game with Steam, I also manually deleted 'override' directory in the game folder after uninstallation to ensure no leftover files of mods
3.delete the 'Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition' folder in 'documents' so no saves or char files corruption should cause the crash

Here's the crash report in 'Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition' and Baldur.lua renamed with .txt suffix. Hope someone knew how to solve the problem and thanks alot.


  • soul_vcnsoul_vcn Member Posts: 2
    I uninstalled and reinstalled the game then started the game after deleting the whole 'Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition' in documents now it worked. Perhaps something went wrong in Baldur.lua from old version.
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