My Plan for a Monk Overhaul

I've just gotten comfortable using DLTCEP, Nearinfinity and EEKeeper, and I've been messing around with a few things. Like giving Assassins ability to specialize in several weapons, and lately, doing some serious work on overhauling the Monks, to make them less of a burden early-game, and a little more balanced late-game.
Here's my current Monk:
Monks are warriors who pursue perfection through contemplation as well as action. They are versatile fighters, especially skilled in combat without weapons or armor. Though Monks cannot cast spells, they have a unique magic of their own: they channel a subtle energy, called ki, which allows them to perform amazing feats. The Monk's best known feat is their ability to stun an opponent with an unarmed blow.
Class features
May not wear any armor
May only use weapons available to the Thief class (except two-handed)
May only become Proficient (one slot) in any weapon class
May only become Proficient (one slot) in Single-Weapon Style and may not put slots into any other style
Moves 2 points faster than other non-barbarian characters. Movement rate further improves by 1 every 5 levels
Staring THAC0 is 15, instead of 20 for all other classes. It will improve with levels until reaching -1 at lvl20 (one better then Fighters).
May make 2 unarmed attacks per round. An additional 1/2 attack per round is gained every 3 levels up to level 18. Damage dealt by unarmed attacks increases with level as follows: Level 1-2:1d3 Level 3-5:1d3+1 Level 6-8:1d3+2 (+1 THAC0, Enchanted +1) Level 9-11:1d4+3 (+1 THAC0, Enchanted +2) Level 12-14:1d5+4 (+2 THAC0, Enchanted +3) Level 15-20:1d6+5 (+2 THAC0, Enchanted +4) Level 21-25:1d7+6 (+3 THAC0, Enchanted +5) Level 26- :1d8+7 (+4 THAC0, Enchanted +6)
Unarmed attacks have the extended range of two-handed weapons.
Receives a -2 bonus to saving throws vs. spell
Deflect Missiles: -1 bonus to AC vs. missile attacks every 3 levels
Starts with a base Armor Class of 9 at 1st level and gains an additional -1 bonus every 2 levels.
May use the Stunning Blow ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
5th level: Acquires immunity to Disease, Slow and Haste effects [1]
7th level: May use the Lay On Hands ability
8th level: Gains a -1 bonus to Speed Factor
9th level: Gains a -1 bonus to all Saving Throws and becomes immune to charm
11th level: Becomes immune to poison
12th level: Gains another -1 bonus to Speed Factor
13th level: May use the Quivering Palm ability once per day
14th level: Gains 3% Magic Resistance per level (starting with 42%) up to max of 78% at 26th level.
20th level: Becomes immune to non-magical weapons
Alignment restricted to lawful
May not pick Whirlwind and Greater Whirlwind HLA's, instead getting access to Rogues' Evasion and Greater Evasion
Hit Die: d10
As you can see, I've given them seriously buffed THAC0, especially at low levels, an extra attack per round, but also drastically lowered the Fist damage early on (and substantially later on). On the flip side, they get their first enchanted attack at level 6, instead of 9 (should make them more viable in BGEE), and they rise in enchantment up to +6 insteadf of +4 (breaking past ALL magical defenses). But they don't have access to Whirlwind, so their APR is forever stuck at 5. Evasion is something I think fits the class better, since they're all about inner balance. Also the Hit die is now in line with Fighters (minus the +3 con bonus).
Tell me what you think. I'm playing through the BGEET with a monk, once finished and if it works out like I'm hoping it will, I'll see about whipping it up into a WEIDU installer mod (once I figure out how to do that).
I'm also considering giving Wizard Slayers a good overhaul, but all in good time XD . For now, the Monk is my focus.
Here's my current Monk:
Monks are warriors who pursue perfection through contemplation as well as action. They are versatile fighters, especially skilled in combat without weapons or armor. Though Monks cannot cast spells, they have a unique magic of their own: they channel a subtle energy, called ki, which allows them to perform amazing feats. The Monk's best known feat is their ability to stun an opponent with an unarmed blow.
Class features
May not wear any armor
May only use weapons available to the Thief class (except two-handed)
May only become Proficient (one slot) in any weapon class
May only become Proficient (one slot) in Single-Weapon Style and may not put slots into any other style
Moves 2 points faster than other non-barbarian characters. Movement rate further improves by 1 every 5 levels
Staring THAC0 is 15, instead of 20 for all other classes. It will improve with levels until reaching -1 at lvl20 (one better then Fighters).
May make 2 unarmed attacks per round. An additional 1/2 attack per round is gained every 3 levels up to level 18. Damage dealt by unarmed attacks increases with level as follows: Level 1-2:1d3 Level 3-5:1d3+1 Level 6-8:1d3+2 (+1 THAC0, Enchanted +1) Level 9-11:1d4+3 (+1 THAC0, Enchanted +2) Level 12-14:1d5+4 (+2 THAC0, Enchanted +3) Level 15-20:1d6+5 (+2 THAC0, Enchanted +4) Level 21-25:1d7+6 (+3 THAC0, Enchanted +5) Level 26- :1d8+7 (+4 THAC0, Enchanted +6)
Unarmed attacks have the extended range of two-handed weapons.
Receives a -2 bonus to saving throws vs. spell
Deflect Missiles: -1 bonus to AC vs. missile attacks every 3 levels
Starts with a base Armor Class of 9 at 1st level and gains an additional -1 bonus every 2 levels.
May use the Stunning Blow ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
5th level: Acquires immunity to Disease, Slow and Haste effects [1]
7th level: May use the Lay On Hands ability
8th level: Gains a -1 bonus to Speed Factor
9th level: Gains a -1 bonus to all Saving Throws and becomes immune to charm
11th level: Becomes immune to poison
12th level: Gains another -1 bonus to Speed Factor
13th level: May use the Quivering Palm ability once per day
14th level: Gains 3% Magic Resistance per level (starting with 42%) up to max of 78% at 26th level.
20th level: Becomes immune to non-magical weapons
Alignment restricted to lawful
May not pick Whirlwind and Greater Whirlwind HLA's, instead getting access to Rogues' Evasion and Greater Evasion
Hit Die: d10
As you can see, I've given them seriously buffed THAC0, especially at low levels, an extra attack per round, but also drastically lowered the Fist damage early on (and substantially later on). On the flip side, they get their first enchanted attack at level 6, instead of 9 (should make them more viable in BGEE), and they rise in enchantment up to +6 insteadf of +4 (breaking past ALL magical defenses). But they don't have access to Whirlwind, so their APR is forever stuck at 5. Evasion is something I think fits the class better, since they're all about inner balance. Also the Hit die is now in line with Fighters (minus the +3 con bonus).
Tell me what you think. I'm playing through the BGEET with a monk, once finished and if it works out like I'm hoping it will, I'll see about whipping it up into a WEIDU installer mod (once I figure out how to do that).
I'm also considering giving Wizard Slayers a good overhaul, but all in good time XD . For now, the Monk is my focus.