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Is the game playable in its current state?

After some problems with the stand-alone installer, I have finally managed to install the game. It loads fine, I can create a new character, and so far it runs smoothly, too. Before I invest more time: How playable is the game in its current state? Are there any major, game-breaking bugs? (Earlier posts seem to suggest this.)

Also, how to get a patch for the game? The Beamdog client doesn't work for me (it always claims 'limited connectivity').


  • Corvus_MetusCorvus_Metus Member Posts: 19
    I'm playing it just fine - I can't play in full-screened mode, mind you - not sure why, but I don't have any real problem.
  • SableRhapsodySableRhapsody Member Posts: 38
    Seems to vary pretty wildly from person to person. Folks without Intel Chipsets are having more graphics problems.

    Personally, my game's been fine, other than that modding is now a gigantic pain in the ass.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    edited November 2012

    Seems to vary pretty wildly from person to person. Folks without Intel Chipsets are having more graphics problems.

    Personally, my game's been fine, other than that modding is now a gigantic pain in the ass.

    think you mean "people WITH intel chipset having more graphics problems.".. :)
    I assume it's a typing error. :)
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    edited November 2012
    Game runs just fine for the majority of users. Folks with problems are just understandably more vocal.

    I haven't had any problems at all, and if you have the game up and running, most likely you won't either.
  • VadrielVadriel Member Posts: 20
    There seems to be broken quest lines with two of the new characters.
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    I am up to chapter 7 in the main game, I have beat the Black Pits which was great the dialogue and voice action is alot of fun escp. from the husband and wife my girlfriend and I got a chuckle out of it a couple of times. I have Neera in my party she is great I had something odd happen to her dialogue when I returned to baldurs gate I finished her quest line without any issues other then it being difficult at level 1 I had fuzzy text when I first started the game but that was with my own pc settings which wasnt to hard to fix. I havent tried Rasaad I think his dialogue was glitched when I saw him he kept repeating the same lines over and over again the same thing every 3-5 seconds so I just left him there. I am quite happy with the game =)
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    Highly playable.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    It's playable for me, however I think I'm going to hold on for a little bit in anticipation of a speedy patch to address the most immediate problems.

    I really don't want to run into a bug which may potentially spoil my enjoyment of the remainder of the game. In the meantime I'm having fun thinking and rolling for characters.
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